Afternoon gents.
I popped a bunch of seeds into starter plugs yesterday evening. Haven't exactly decided what I'm going to do yet. Might toss 2 into 5 gallon DWC buckets, I might grow a few in 3 gallon pots.
Grape Soda are from Original Sensible Seeds. I grew that and Mephisto Grape Crush, and my wife preferred the grape-iness of the Grape Soda.
Orange Diesel x Stone Dragon I made last year and am excited to grow it out.
Witness Protection and Grand Exchange are from Speedrun.
the rest are from a guy I traded on reddit with.
Blue Funk is Sugar Qookies x Blue Microverse
Blue Strawberry is Strawberry Milk and Qookies x Blue Microverse
Sugar Qookies RBX1 is Blue Funk back crossed with Sugar Qookies.
I popped a bunch of seeds into starter plugs yesterday evening. Haven't exactly decided what I'm going to do yet. Might toss 2 into 5 gallon DWC buckets, I might grow a few in 3 gallon pots.
Grape Soda are from Original Sensible Seeds. I grew that and Mephisto Grape Crush, and my wife preferred the grape-iness of the Grape Soda.
Orange Diesel x Stone Dragon I made last year and am excited to grow it out.
Witness Protection and Grand Exchange are from Speedrun.
the rest are from a guy I traded on reddit with.
Blue Funk is Sugar Qookies x Blue Microverse
Blue Strawberry is Strawberry Milk and Qookies x Blue Microverse
Sugar Qookies RBX1 is Blue Funk back crossed with Sugar Qookies.