I'm pretty sure I have a crazy neighbor, or he's a crack/meth head. I think he's got to be partially deaf too!
Today has been day two of quite a round of Ranting and raving. I think I vaguely remember the neighbor next to me made a comment about him being nuts or just allowed I don't remember. I tend to drone out ding bats!
I'm fairely sure that he's currently inside his house, yet I still hear him. And it's not the Asian haze giving me super hearing.
At least at the moment he doesn't sound agitated and I can't hear any curse words. I sure as hell couldn't say that earlier today! Jesus! He was on a rant!
I don't think he knows what 'inside voice' means. That's kind of why I said he might be partially deaf.
That's the price I gotta pay for enjoying fresh air with an open window in my bedroom! Part of that is living in the country though with the low background noise.