Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Metal buffet - 01/06/24
  • :kitty: happee Caturday kidz, it'z time for the first metal buffet of 2024, woot! :stir: the burnerz are hot & downright smokin! :headbang: ppp


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    Mission impossible
  • Daytime feeding for me is like mission impossible​

    I normally feed my plants after 11pm when it's dark but fell asleep last night.​

    In the hill with a shotgun
  • When I'm out here in the woods

    House fire
  • Hopefully everyone got out alright……

    ya, they all got out ok right after it started :thumbsup: ppp

    @420Forever When you said for now, what did you mean?

    meh, was jus kinda worried for a bit about flying emberz & such, but we had a lighter wind today, 10mph, and it was blowin the fire & smoke the other direction, away from us, so....:whew:

    anyway, here'z a couple picz....

    this is jus after it first started, at the front of the house, about 3:30pm....


    this is an hour later & it'z at the back of the house....the old man had a buncha gunz & ammo back there & the ammo was poppin off like the fourth o' fuckin july....:eek1:


    this was at about 5:20pm & the whole roof/top half is gone....


    they all took off at around 7:30pm, but left it still burning/smoking....i'll get a pic tomorrow cuz it'z too dark now, but all that'z left now is jus a lil bit around the bottom edge all the way round & a buncha charred wall studz....a total loss :nonono: ppp
    House fire the morning after
  • welp, here'z a couple morning after picz of the house fire next first, i was wonderin why they jus left it to "burn itself out", but i'm pretty sure it'z becuz of all the ammo the old man had in there, which i still hear randomly poppin off here & there :eek1: but anyway, as u can see, it'z a complete & total loss, so....:shrug: ppp

    Gracie AI
  • "female black labrador playing the drums in a field of cannabis".... :biggrin: ppp

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    Emergency Ts600 (3 hours light when power goes out)
  • Power cut last night due to the stong winds
    Power was out from 11.30 pm untill
    1 pm ffs
    Normally they only last an hour or 2.

    So I made a contraption lol

    Its plugged into the mains that charges a power cell that will come on when there's a power outage.
    Lasts for 3 hours and will go off if power gets restored before 3 hours runs out.

    Prize from @Jean O for BudMan Comp
  • Prize for the BudMan comp @Cultivators

    Big thanks to @Jean-O for my prize for the BudMan competition.​

    I had fun doing it,.​

    Thanks also for the Photoperiod seeds, I hope to try and do an outdoor grow with photos this year.​

    The Packets say 3 seeds but there is 5 in each one so thanks again @Jean-O.

    Babylon Burning Selections
  • What I ordered to give him a try for your enlightenment.

    The extras.

    New grow journal starting Feb. With a full tent.

    Edit: Shipping was pretty quick with good communication from the vendor.
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