Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Hey will yall help me harass @mdabber to stop lurking and join us already! :rofl:
Here's the younger girls are today Day 27 & 34 haven't done much just some leaf tucking and started training on CDLC x Skywalker and S.O.D.K.:naughtystep:


Day 57 & 60:toke:

Older Girls are just on cruise control doing great.. Just babysitting the rez my ph keeps droping after a couple days and I have to use ph up:shrug::goodluck:

U just went old school with it! :thumbsup:

And Dale i am mixing up that weekly topwatering I discussed earlier so i am here n there! :eyebrows::rofl:
Like you said wait for MOG cause you know as much as me:d5:... But i would think or if it were me I would be adding calmag with nutes during the top water... I think all the PPM counts cause what goes in the soil stays in the soil especially since you use blumats and don't get runoff:shrug::goodluck:
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