Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Jeez OK coffee is kicking and I will answer my own question Gotta be in Ann Arbor (Hash Bash) Not even going to google that one :rofl:
Ooh @Jean-O mentioned he is going to be there. Maybe you two will run into each other.
Still doesn't allow us to open carry though except throught the Fish and Game law which I find perplexing, but we take what we can get.....Almost all the people I know CC without a permit anyways. We'll be a test bed for it I guess.
I forgot about no open carry except for 'Going to and coming back from fishing' thingy on Fla.
Even being gun friendly, it was a little bit of a stock to see open carry when I when to Arizona.
I've had a CC permit since it came out in Texas. I had a permit to carry in Cali back in the early 80s, before it got stupid. I worked ROUGH ass bars in San Diego when I wasn't doing my squiddly duties. I worked one night in a bar unarmed. I had to subdue a drunk that was toting, but I slammed his ass before he could pull it. I told the owner of the security company I was NOT working bars until I was armed. Pop bought me a Beretta 92 and I went thru the training and got the permit. That was about 4 or 5 years before the Navy adopted the Beretta 92F. Mine was essentially the same model with some metallurgical changes and the balance was still the same. I hit the floor running with the new pistol. While not quite the same knock down in close quarters as the 1911, it was vastly more accurate at any sort of distance. Bullet placement just became more important with the 92F. It's still my go to weapon. I have so much muscle memory, that's a lot of years and untold rounds. I can beat my retired Gunny friend that's a Texas DPS trooper in regular range and a situational course. Pisses him off to no end!:funny:
I raz him about a squid beating a damn grunt!:salute:
Try living in a country where protecting yourself or your family is frowned upon and can end u up in prison! Self defence is not allowed lol The UK waits til your a victim before they act.

The Irish knew how to beat the British weapons ban. Shillelagh, it's just a walking stick! Although you can really beat some chavs with it if pressed into action.
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