Always my go to....paperwork attached to the visor, in hand sticking out the half rolled down window.....they invariably try getting you to incriminate yourself.."{ do you know why I pulled you you know how fast you were going" etc......I tap the stop watch app on my phone and say " I have the right to remain silent, anything I say can and will be used in a court of law, I have the right to an attorney during we need to get an attorney officer?....The Supreme Court has dettermined and ruled an average traffic infraction stop should only take 8 to 9 minutes, my papperwork was offered as you were walking have XX minutes left before this stop falls under suspision of being illegally extended.".... I've had a couple get pissy and pull the please step out of the car BS (and extend it farther) but the timer still counts down, and I've made formal complaints.