Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Every year I had it set up with money, time off etc...something would come up and resonsibilty has been drilled to damn deep so I took care of eveything and everyone but myself....... just a mention a moment ago got me an evil look from the wife. :shrug:
I've never seen them before......:headbang:......

You are only two ingredients off hubbys fave Stoned currant jam/jelly and squirty cream...... :eyebrows:..he Swears by it...

Squirty cream @Suki .....:headbang:

Also, I'm sorry, but tuna and whipped cream?!?
Not my music, but I've heard they are good people and that its a hell of a party.

Oh shit. just caught a long enough look at the thumbnail before the YT warning came up...watched 2 days ago. :crying: that guy has a goofy ass persona he puts on in those vids,
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