Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Mephisto's, Sundae Thumper Test thread is up! Please come check it if you have an interest!
I've got enough diversity in my tent right now to qualify for an "alphabet" tax credit. I'm very optimistic that come July I'll have a fire mom. At least I hope so.
I paid $25 to have one of these shipped to a friends house.

I paid extra for tracking and for hand delivery and signature required.

Except his mailman took a rubberband and wrapped a bunch of junkmail around it and shoved it in his mailbox.
I'm going with :drool:
Mephisto's, Sundae Thumper Test thread is up! Please come check it if you have an interest!
Made up stoner dish
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Fried sweet cheese pierogis in a sauce with oj apricot preserves maple syrup redpepper flakes and some other stuff. Usually have it with vanilla ice cream, i got strawberry ice cream but it don't hit the same

beatz the fuck outa my tuna on crackerz....hmph :dammit: ppp
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