Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I got lost on @JP1 s seed post for a minute

If I were to grow photos, I'd start there. I've got some regular auto seeds I'm gonna run soon and was thinking about trying to collect some pollen to cross with something from him and make my own strain. But I think that's way above my pay grade to try a project like that
If I were to grow photos, I'd start there. I've got some regular auto seeds I'm gonna run soon and was thinking about trying to collect some pollen to cross with something from him and make my own strain. But I think that's way above my pay grade to try a project like that
I've already got gummy lady to clear me a spot for some photos at her crib

I've already got gummy lady to clear me a spot for some photos at her crib

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She's got a few different African ibls and possibly just wild that she would get from the people that would come through the church by her house. The Uganda is bonkers. I swear ive been places on that stuff
If I were to grow photos, I'd start there. I've got some regular auto seeds I'm gonna run soon and was thinking about trying to collect some pollen to cross with something from him and make my own strain. But I think that's way above my pay grade to try a project like that

Easier than you think! Multiple tents will be your friend!
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