Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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You do tea in a machine?......sacrilege ......always in a pot, bring the heat up slowly to just under boiling, back it off a bit and let sit heating for 30 with the heat for another 30. into the jug with the sugar in there, stir.
I personally really like my digital electric kettle, that way I can set the temperature specifically meant for various types of tea. Black tea is typically brewed the hottest (190* iirc) while green tea is lower and oolong and herbal teas are even lower than that.
You do tea in a machine?......sacrilege ......always in a pot, bring the heat up slowly to just under boiling, back it off a bit and let sit heating for 30 with the heat for another 30. into the jug with the sugar in there, stir.
thats like when we see people making hot tea in a microwave rather than using a electric/cooker(Stove) kettle utter sacrilege or when people add water to whiskey. They should be put down hahaha
Sweet tea doesn't exist here either. Unless you go to a white tablecloth bbq place. And it's still not really sweet tea usually :doh:
Jeez it aint rocket science! Brew tea hot, add hot tea over sugar to melt it, then chill said tea! I don’t even drink the shit and i can make it! :haha: :rofl:
u forgot this part....jus sayin ;) ppp

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Since the poll ended in a tie I went with the wildcard lmfao
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