Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Ripley's OG, Day 62 and she's stacking buds nicely. Hopefully Blue Microverse F5 will fill them with seeds..

The girls just went to sleep at the end of day 66, the SkyWalker is in all probability going to be the first to harvest, it is by far the smallest of the four and the furthest along, starting to see some cloudy trichs. Mephisto states 65-70 days seed to harvest, A tad optimistic in my experience, the last cabinet grow and the desktop grows were all Mephisto and they all went at least 10-14 days longer than advertised.
Skywalker is what I've grown most of. I personally like the ones that come out smaller that are done early. The high off them is my favorite and most unique. It's good for my flow.:greenthumb:
Thanks for your great work @Son of Hobbes! Is there a separate thread for suggestions and bug reports?

I'm going to create one here shortly; I've seen a mix of posts here and there and I think we need to collate (and we're aware of some glaring things lol.)

You like fidget toys? Now they make them for the toilet. Never again do you have to sit on the toilet with nothing to play with (....). Idle hands belong to the DEVIL, remember that kids.
Skywalker is what I've grown most of. I personally like the ones that come out smaller that are done early. The high off them is my favorite and most unique. It's good for my flow.:greenthumb:
Cool! I have her on a 12" stand so she gets proper light, everything else in the cabinet is significantly larger. She has started to drink less, but I haven't seen any fade showing up yet.
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