Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Trays are cleaned up and put back in place.....only the soil mixing to go, maybe this evening cause I gotta run to the bank and the vets for doggie meds.....and maybe stop by the local...growing weed is easy it's the prep work that's a bitch.

had a brain fart & actually had to google that word :rofl: :doh: but, u know, i smoke weed & all, so....:jointman: ppp
My dad is basically begging me to grow enough that he could sell at his apartment complex. I've told him over and over, he needs to just get his friends together and do a run up to Michigan to get some rec weed for $60 an ounce. He says yeah, but most of the people around there can only scrounge up $20 or $40 at a time, and no gas money. Local dealers are charging $200 an ounce.

I said no f'n way. I have a good job, a good career, and I'm not throwing it away getting involved in that shit. My grow is just for me, and I'll share a little now and then with friends.

I also have some friends that know that I know how to grow magic mushrooms, and again, are begging me to grow and let them sell for me. They said they can get $10 a gram. Last time I grew, I had well over 200 grams come out of one little shoe box. I could easily fund a nice vacation every year basically just doing what I'm already doing. But its just not worth the risk to me at all.
I got a good job too. I know Im risking it. But I only start to sell to recuperate all Invested into It. I know me not buying alone is tons saved. and I also make some wax and dont smoke it so thats what got me started selling then I told a guy I work with I got some he loved it so much I just keep selling to him and figured what the hell if its that good spread the love. And I charge 200 a zip. people have no problem here paying that. I can get street weed for like 100 a zip but it just don’t compare. Im going to be going down the shroom rabbit hole this summer.
Traffic everywhere here which is why @WildBill calls it the metromess (instead of dfw metroplex) and even the highways are all under construction so it can take forever not going very far! The reason (or 1 of them ;)) that i take a blunt or two with me whenever i leave for any length of time! :cooldance:
It was just as friggin bad when I was a kid. When I was a kid, the only thing between Dallas and FtWorth, was Six Flags. That's not reach either. There just weren't many exits in that 30 miles on that damn Turnpike. It's pretty crazy in the growth in that period of time.
The worst historically wretched traffic in the MetroMess has been the 75/635 North/West section. The FtWorth side has had HUGE teething pains EVERYWHERE, but MOST notably, the entire section of Airport Freeway at the Tarrent Co line, all the way west to where it joins the North section of loop 820, all the way west to Interstate 20. At one time, I'd say that over 70% was under construction. In all actuality, the downtown Ft Worth clusterfuck cost me the most time. I just had too much work to in the area to be able to avoid it.
They take on enormous projects that takes so long to complete, the roads are already outdated and overloaded..

That's why I live out in the country.:biggrin: I can live with my limited exposure,:rofl::headbang:
Good Morfnoevight All you Tuesday Live stoners. Don't know what is for dinner yet?

Lots of chores today, refresh res, roast coffee, shop for groceries and pick up meds, Lottery tickets, cut up the seed potatoes. I hope we don't get rained out after Sunday because I want to plant the spuds.

Off to get started. By the way the Blood orange marmalade was very very good.
I got a good job too. I know Im risking it. But I only start to sell to recuperate all Invested into It. I know me not buying alone is tons saved. and I also make some wax and dont smoke it so thats what got me started selling then I told a guy I work with I got some he loved it so much I just keep selling to him and figured what the hell if its that good spread the love. And I charge 200 a zip. people have no problem here paying that. I can get street weed for like 100 a zip but it just don’t compare. Im going to be going down the shroom rabbit hole this summer.

Shrooms are very easy. If you can cook, you can grow shrooms. The important part is keeping everything very very clean.

Buy a couple bags of bulk popcorn to use to grow on. Simmer in a pot with water for 2 hours. Then let it dry in a collander.
Put into quart mason jars, and modify the lids with a breathing hole and an injection port. Cover the breathing hole with a few layers of micropore tape. Cover the lids with some foil to keep them from getting soaked, and put the jars in a big pot and steam them for 2 hours to kill any bacteria. Or if you have a pressure cooker you can do that too.

Let them cool over night, then inject the spores, 1ml per jar is more than enough.

Let them sit for a month or so until the spores take over everything, and then do a break and shake, where you just shake each jar vigorously to break up the cake. Then let them sit again until the spores have taken back over everything again.

Make up some CVG. Cocoa Coir, Vermiculite and gympsum. I forget the exact ratios, you can look it up. Then you pour boiling water over it in a 5 gallon bucket, put the lid on, and wrap it in a blanket and let it sit overnight until its cooled down.

Get the 10 pack of plastic shoe boxes from walmart for $10. You want more small containers, because if you have a bacteria breakout, you don't lose a lot of your grow.

Mix your innoculated popcorn and the heat treated CVG together 50/50. One quart of each, to one shoe box. Put the lid on the shoe box, and wait about 2 to 4 weeks.

When the surface of the container looks like a snowy field, its time to start letting it breath. Take another shoe box and cut some 2" holes in the sides with a hole saw, and then cover them in micropore tape so it allows gas exchange. Take the lid off one of your shoeboxes with the stuff in it, flip the shoeboxes with the holes on top, and duct tape around the edges to hold them together. Now your shrooms can breath and will start growing fruits. Use a light source, 12/12, and they will grow towards the light. If you don't use light, you'll get weird shaped shrooms. In a week or two, you'll have fruits! Wait until right before they are about to drop their spores, open it up and use scissors to trim them away from the substrate cake.

After you get your shroom fruits off the cakes, fill the shoebox with distilled water and soak the cake for an hour and then drain the water back off. Put the other box back on top and tape back in place, put back on the shelf, and in another few weeks you'll have another flush of fruits.

Don't open the fucking containers until each step is ready. Don't get near them. Don't even f'n look at them funny, or you'll end up getting trichinosis infection and lose everything. Don't mist. Don't do any stupid crap you'll see people recommend. Don't touch them.

Clean everything with alcohol and then a torch. Wear disposable gloves. Wear a mask so you aren't breathing bacteria from your mouth on them. Lysol the entire room down before you open the containers, innoculate your jars with the spores, anything. Between each jar during innoculating with the spores you need to flame sterilize your needle.

Don't bother messing with Uncle Bens Tek. Just go buy some jars and popcorn, and order the micropore tape and injection ports on amazon. Its way less frustrating to do it right the first time. I tried Uncle Bens and lost more than half because the rice was too wet and would rot.

I found some pics from last year.

Here is some popcorn about half way to being ready to spawn to CVG.


My little mushroom spawn area in my bathroom.

This unholy behemouth that came up.


yes, I tried to see if I could use orbeez as a medium. No, it didn't work, LOL


This is what I meant by a snowy field. You want fluff all over the surface before you let in the oxygen.


I also had really good luck using red wheat berrys. You can see on the lids the injection port and the gas exchange hole.




It was a rewarding but very frustrating hobby. Because you can just wake up one day, go check on them and a trich infection has taken your entire bin out and all you can do is go dump it in the compost pile.

Or you end up with hundreds of dried grams of magic mushroom, lol.

I would grind them and put them in gel caps.


They cured my wife's seasonal migrains, and they work amazing for a hangover. I'm not even joking, pop one of those suckers if you wake up and your head feels 3 sizes too small, and within an hour you're right as rain and colors are a little brighter, lol.
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