Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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different intent, I think. This mat is intended to sit beneath potted plants and wick moisture up to the pots through the coco mat. It might work for what I have in mind, but I am going to try a couple layers of tight cotton on the top of the soil with the floraflex irrigation tray sitting directly on the cotton. It works perfectly in my similar setup in the solos so worth a try.
Oh, the bigfoot thing has been going on for at least 20 years, if not more.

And, in fact, I kind of believe. I had an experience one time that I'm not certain how to explain. I was walking up a steep hill to my tree stand, and spooked something huge that took off running through the bush. It definitely sounded like it was on two feet, because it didn't sound like a horse running, it sounded like a man running. And when I got to near my stand, the stench was just horrible. It smelled like a trucker ate some bad curry in NYC, and held it until the west coast. You tasted it more than smelled it.

And the whole time I was there, I just felt like I was being watched. I got up in my stand and tried to deal with it, and only stayed about half an hour. I felt like a hole was being drilled into my head by someone staring at me. It finally freaked me out enough I left.

Black bear are extremely rare around here. It didn't smell like a skunk. And...whatever it was, it sounded like it was on 2 legs.

It freaked me out enough that I haven't gone back out there alone, since then.
My thesis supervisor at university was the expert on mammals in British Columbia, and one of the most respected experts in Canada and North America. A long time ago, when he was alive, and I was a student, he was hired as a consultant to determine whether that famous video of bigfoot, the one taken by a fellow on horseback down south in BC as I recall, the one showing bigfoot looking back over his shoulder, was real or a fake. The verdict was fake, but you might never guess why.

Bigfoot had no crack between the buttocks. He was a guy in a suit. Forensic examination of the video showed without ambiguity that the videoed animal was a human in a suit, not a different ape species.

While one fake video does not prove bigfoot does not exist, there are strong ecological reasons to suspect that this is unlikely if not impossible. A mammal that size needs to eat, and eat a lot in winter if it does not hibernate, and apes are crap predators on animals large enough to provide sufficient food. Bears are a hell of a lot more effective at predation, and there is no way that they can make it through a winter if they stay active. And there is also no way that an ape is going to survive the winter eating the low nutrient stuff that can barely sustain deer, moose, and the like. Most peeps do not realize this, but even deer and moose would perish if they had to survive the whole year on what they can get in the winter. Winter browse for them just slows the starvation process down. The question is not whether the deer are starving, it is whether the process will get far enough to kill before real food becomes available in spring.

So, in my opinion, Bigfoot exists only in human imagination, and does so only because of the financial incentives for some individuals who peddle the fantasy in the hope of tourism money.

As to what you heard and smelled, I can't help, but it was almost certainly a large mammal of some sort, perhaps one badly injured with wounds that were gangrenous. As in a gunshot wound perhaps... :pighug:
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I had a disc man that had 25sec esp. electronic skip protection.
so did I. Didn't work worth a damn. Seems like ancient tech now. To put it mildly. :pighug:
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