Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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either u eat all of it, or -> UR A FUCKIN WUSS! :shooty: ppp

that'z what they make ad blockerz for sillee :doh: i've uzed a free blocker called Ghostery on my chrome for yearz now & i never get adz of any kind on any site :cooldance: ppp

:yeahthat: like i said....:headbang: ppp

Gotta give it a try looks good and I'll give it a go!! Still have my chrome accounts linked and don't want all my stuff links etc showing up on my work computers though...
repotted my blackstrap cross.

It was only in the solo cup for about 10 days and was already root bound.

I don't have any small planters! :smoking:


That 2 liter is about half full of worm poop, and then its half coco coir, and then I had some old peat moss / vermiculite / perlite mix to add to it. Just had a little bit of each to top it off, lol. held my hand over the top, shook it as hard as I could over the sink to mix it up and then plopped the plant in the top.
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