Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Yeah. Super cool birds. Massive. See maybe 1or 2 a year. They seem to be coming back to the area the past 10 years or so. Pretty much only see them either way up in the sky or by lakes and rivers
We’ve had them around since i can remember just not a lot of them until recently… What we do have a lot of are osprey I find them more interesting since they are not scavengers.. their food must be alive when they take it :headbang:
I see bald eagles every day I go to town, we have two breeding pairs within a 10 minute drive in either direction along the river, upstream/downstream. We also have a Osprey nest on the lake we have a cabin on, about 40 yards away on the outlet of the lake.

Seeing wildlife blows away anything a city/suburb has to offer!
Nothing like that here. Our birds are only problems for cats, little dogs and chickens

We have a hawk that comes around town once and while and the wife freaks out if skeeter is outside:crying::doh:
must have missed the sports car, I ended up with an e-bike. Maybe the ebikes come later than the sports car that I missed. Old=sportscar, Older=ebike? :rofl:
I might test that for you. My version of 2-wheel transportation was a mountain bike. Several years ago, I'd be doing 100 mile rides on weekends and would never consider a motor for my bike.

Tried a sports car and can verify that it does partially scratch that itch.

Just not quite sure I could stomach being limited by a battery on my bike even though I no longer have the energy to go even 10 miles any more.

Oh yeah, I forgot, Older yet= etrike. Another thing to look forward to. :rofl:
Just kill me if I ever ask for a motorized big wheel.

That's not a's a Marathon......:pighug:..Well Done for keeping up the Pace.......:bravo:
tell me about it - the two biggies started in December...thanks muchly :pass: and my speed reading.....:crying:..I read that as Ask Alexa...and I Thought Wow...Trust Amazon to jump on the Dope Caravan........
excellent - cracked me up - Oi Alexa, wheres my joint? :crying:

The days work is done, I wasnt finished by three so had to finish up in the garage - but it was close. Lovely plant, very trichomes heavy and a lovely smell of cream followed by Diesel - cant wait to get my chops around some of that in a couple of months

Now I need to catch up on sustenance :pass:
Wow....I Thought you were supposed to be Safe in a car in a thunderstorms......?...I was told the tyres grounded it.....:yoinks:
I dont think the people inside can get electrocuted but the car can still catch fire! Im sure it didn’t help that the hood was up! Also not like he saw car get struck think he was just assuming with the number of strikes and fact car went up so quick he’s probably just linking the 2 without knowing what happened for sure! I mean hell it was still burning so wasn’t like there were news reports of it yet! For all i know the guy had the hood popped but was clueless and wound up lighting his own vehicle up! :shrug:
I might test that for you. My version of 2-wheel transportation was a mountain bike. Several years ago, I'd be doing 100 mile rides on weekends and would never consider a motor for my bike.

Tried a sports car and can verify that it does partially scratch that itch.

Just not quite sure I could stomach being limited by a battery on my bike even though I no longer have the energy to go even 10 miles any more.

Just kill me if I ever ask for a motorized big wheel.

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There is a guy two towns over who has a motorized bigwheel,,,, that thing has a Kawasaki GPz 550 4 cylinder engine on it and looks to be a total blast to drive!
I might test that for you. My version of 2-wheel transportation was a mountain bike. Several years ago, I'd be doing 100 mile rides on weekends and would never consider a motor for my bike.

Tried a sports car and can verify that it does partially scratch that itch.

Just not quite sure I could stomach being limited by a battery on my bike even though I no longer have the energy to go even 10 miles any more.

Just kill me if I ever ask for a motorized big wheel.

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One of my all time favorite toys! I was once disqualified from a big wheel race at a county fair because one of the back wheels fell off :rofl:
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