Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Wow it took forever to get caught up tonight! Good morfnoevight all! :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

I've been foliar feeding off and on, and I definitely feel like I notice a change in how green the leaves are and how quickly the plants grow.

Yesterday I bought some fox farms big bloom, which is basically bat and worm shit. I sprayed a bunch on the bottom of the leaves last night, and I feel like they were 6 shades darker when I looked at them again this morning. I need to do a little more subjective of some testing, but it definitely seems like good stuff for this purpose.
You can foliar feed just about anything as long as it is not too strong. Harley Smith teaches not to do foliar more often than once every seven days but I cannot for the life of me remember why? It is in his Master Grower Course.

I burned up about 2000 pansies in a green house once. It was supposed to be cloudy all day and the damn sun came out less than 15 minutes after I sprayed them. The next day they all had white spots that look like the measles. It was a good thing the boss told me to do it:rofl: To answer your question under HID you will get lensing strong enough to burn young leaves for sure. Under LED it is questionable but I have never taken the chance. I dim until the leaves are dry.

@Catman3 :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:

Oh, speaking of weed for arthritis.

Can anyone recommend an all CBD no THC strain that doesn't have crazy looking purple or pink flowers?

I have bad arthritis and a high CBD joint now and then would be awesome.

Plus I REALLY want to give some to my dad, hype up how high it got me, and then watch the placebo effect take place.

What is wrong with Purple or Pink flowers?

I make a salve that some of my patients have used successfully for arthritis.

Here is a thread on the subject.

For those you that were looking for drying implements/machines, here ya go! Well, as long as ya wannna dish out $1600 and up

It looks to me like you would get flat on one side buds? I would need 3 for one harvest but for a single plant or two it probably works sweet.

Has anyone asked ChatAPT growing questions? I asked about high and low pH here was the response
The symptoms of high or low pH in autoflowering cannabis can include:

High pH (alkaline soil):

  • Yellowing of the leaves, starting from the tips and margins
  • Stunted growth
  • Poor root development
  • Chlorosis (yellowing) between the veins of the leaves
Low pH (acidic soil):

  • Stunted growth
  • Poor root development
  • Leaf tips turning brown and dying
  • Root rot
  • Discoloration of leaves, including yellowing, purple or red coloring
It is important to regularly monitor the pH levels of your soil and adjust as needed to maintain the optimal range for cannabis growth (6.0-7.0).
You really have to try to screw up the PH of soil. Oh don't get me wrong I have seen new growers do it. If you are monitoring your inputs PH will not be a problem. This is where you want your inputs to be:
PH for the nutrient mix for soil is 6.4 - 6.7
PH for the nutrient mix for Peat is 6.3 -6.4
PH for the nutrient mix for Coco is 5.8 to 6.2
PH for the nutrient mix for hydro is 5.8 to 6.2

If you need to monitor soil for PH the best low price meter is the Accurate 8, or the clone of it. All of them other ones we see here are junk. There are quite a few Expensive ones that are good. I use Blue Lab $$$

The aquaponics I did had the whole ecosystem - live plants, dying plants dirt and muck on the bottom carp fish, minnows for the carp to eat. I don't remember how long it took to get the pond going but it was more than 6 months. I seem to remember testing for nitrates and nitrites all the time. Then when the nitrates got high enough the pond water was pumped through the plants on an NFT set-up then back to the pond. It always smelled like a scummy pond in the grow room. The plants grew ok but was the foulest tasting weed I have ever tasted. It had to be in the 70s because I quit doing combustion by the 80s that issued in the cocaine years
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