Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Good Day AFN!

It's gonna be a good day. Going to a show tonight and hopefully see some friends I haven't seen in a few years. Just have to pit in my "8" this AM. Dropped some beans in. It's been a few weeks since my last grow so I'm excited to get back in the tent.

'cept I have chocolate.....Small Mercies an all that........ :crying: ....
thats a winner for sure :pass:

Jobs market world wide has to be a mess ATM...........Covid has changed a lot....old industry will die and new industry will be created
100% it is a state right now, the big tech companies hired and hired like crazy during Covid thinking the increase in revenues due to business changing their operational structure would go on and on, it came to an abrupt halt when many people realised working from home sucks day in day, out and the return to the office was pretty swift. They are all shedding 5-->10% of their workforce which in those bigger companies is always 10k people upwards.
I am also finding with Brexit, Pan EMEA roles are favoring those based in Europe now which is a big change.
The other biggie I see is the pace at which AI and ML is being adopted, ultimately reducing the need for a 'human' labour force. Once the tech is up to speed the impact on sectors such as manufacturing/industry will be huge with a constant drip of resources being made redundant and thrown back in to the resource pool as a result.
I feel the UK is better positioned to take on a 'Knowledge' and 'services' based economy better than it has been managing the decline of industry. Going to be interesting watching how things unfold over the new few years - preferably as a spectator from a Treehouse, not in the grind
View attachment 1553285 Although your Quest for World Peace is Noble and I Wish you Well...
You Did make me Think.....has the Whole of History Ever managed to affect or unite the whole world.........and I have to say Nope......Never....... :pass: .....Doesn't mean You can't be the First..........

Ill give it a try…. What is the worst thing that can happen?

It’s better to focus on the positive things in life, if you know what i mean.:pass:
Beach combing.......just you and your metal detector ...with the beach to yourself in the mornings........ :pass:
Beach life all the way :pass: , drives my partner nuts, everytime i see a glimpse of sea I shout at the top of my voice 'MY SEA', I miss it so much since moving back here

I always wanted the beach cleaning tractor job.......:headbang:...I could get up every day Happy to do that for work....
:woohoo1:happy days!

Crept up above 0 but still nippy, I must assume you take it as it comes - I would whimper at being that cold for so long :shrug:

Enjoy :pass:


So m'lady gifted me a Metal Detector for my ripe new age day, chuffed to bits, assembled it quick smart and since then I have been trying to work out the law in England to go detecting, what a pain in the backside it is, it has almost put me off :cuss: with the sheer amount of red tape. I think she wanted me to spend more time outside.... I get the feeling it will relocate to Portugal where it seems a lot easier to just turn it on and walk around

This subject is interesting.

Try use your skills in growing weed outside as the trees and bushes grows different and shows excess of nutrients if there is an big enough treasure under the ground. And if you are like me, with an Superman-vision you could look at the ions in the air to see which way they travel, to see if there is any hot-spots under ground.

And if you are looking for the really big money use Google-maps and think like a couple millions year back and look at the landscape and use your imagination for the rest.

If I had a friend who wanted to make money and didn’t believe that the earth was flat, I believe we could be billionaires and spending our time growing weed and relax all days.

But what the heck, let somebody else make the dollars. :biggrin:
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