Trying to deal with life, I'm
trying to run with the "God gives ya lemons....make lemon aid!" attitude.
So while out shopping today, I come upon this woman with a larger than normal child in the grocery cart seat. Einstein Not Jr pipes up, "Hey Mister. What happened to your ear?" Ms Wanmycheck said nothing and kept her nose in her phone intently.
Lemon aide time!
"Well, ya see, I had a mommy that cared about me enough to try and teach me not to be a rude little turd and not to lie. I didn't listen! A Booger Bear monster came to my bed last night and bit off a piece of my ear!"
Ms Wanmycheck took a deep breath and looked like she was about to give me a head shake and scolding. But she stopped cold, grabbed little Einstein Not Jr by the jaw and told him to STFU, but not with the acronym.
I think it was the look I gave her.
An old girlfriend once told me that I could throw a look like
Jason Momoa. I think it's the eyes.
I had a little chuckle, but it's a shame a kid has to grow up in such a life.