Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Why waste the time and money tho! U totally toast any compost or castings in the soil at that temp! And can u name me 1 bug that can survive at 180F cuz i sure know of none? :rofl:
I mean, there are but I doubt you're gonna find Pompeii worms or tardigrades in your bag of soil :shrug: extremophiles are neat.
@Mañ'O'Green said 180F is all u need to kill off the insects without toasting your soil! At 350 u are cooking away more then just bugs and totally pasteurizing it if I remember correctly!
I tried cooking home-grown compost in a turkey pan, about 3" deep, for 3 hours at 225°F and still had spider mites. Maybe they creeped in or parachuted in after the dirt cooled off.
I mean, there are but I doubt you're gonna find Pompeii worms or tardigrades in your bag of soil :shrug: extremophiles are neat.
I dont mean to jump in on your conversation, but it is hard for me to lay off when you bring up extremophiles and tardigrades. Have you ever seen one under a microscope. Completely alien looking, makes me wonder if they based the sentient creature in the movie Dune off of one of these. They are fascinating in their ability to survive such extremes.
Oh yeah, I was gonna post this last night lol she's nuts and wants to play fetch constantly lmao

Digging her new tree location. Wonder how long before she starts getting on top of the tent lmao
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My parents live literally a mile away, in the same neighborhood as us, and haven't been in our house since we moved in :rofl:
Ya my aunt and grandma were always within a zomnut and never even wanted to come over. They were just like bring your kid to our place. Im assuming they pictured:
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