Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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My bush(es) went to the chiropractor yesterday. Giving the lower stuff a few days to catch up to the tops and then I'll take anything that doesn't make the cut off, seems to be my favorite method currently.
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wow thats some extreme bondage
That is really cool. If she keeps that up, she is going to have art in her life for sure. You must be pretty tickled. :pighug:
Oh they are all awesome kids for sure. She and #1 are both super artistic, #2 is more engineer minded and is absolutely obsessed with building lego stuff. Like he will build sets start to finish following the directions once, then deconstruct and do it again from memory. Idk how he does it but its crazy to watch. He's also really into music, though in a more subtle way than #3. She's more show tunes and ballads and "hey look at me!" while she preforms live renditions of song and dance. #1 is huge into art, thats his thing. He's getting really into drawing comic strips which is super cool cause he has a crazy imagination and is super metaphoric/poetic. He also builds these crazy detailed structures on minecraft and will recreate buildings and stuff from shows etc from his memory, or just out of his own brain. As boring as watching someone play mine craft can be its pretty fascinating to watch him work. The first time he showed me a replica he made from memory I didn't believe he had done it without following some sort of tutorial but then he showed me and I was just like damn that's really cool lol.
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#3 is currently working on memorizing her presentation/practicing reciting it for school today. Better her than me. That shit used to give me so much anxiety as a kid because I could literally not memorize anything and getting berated by your parents/teachers for not trying hard enough or at all when you're trying as hard as you can and its just not clicking sucks. And they wonder why I eventually just stopped trying, of I'm gonna get the same result regardless of if I try ridiculously hard or don't try at all I might as well put my energy into something else.
School can be really tough for kids with different brain functioning. Everybody is wired a bit differently, but if one's wiring is too far from the standard design, either from brain damage or genetics, a lot of our society just doesn't work well. And as you point out, what makes it even worse for kids is that often neither they nor the adults in their lives really understand what the problem is, so little or nothing helpful gets done about it. Given your experience, at least your kids are not going to be dealing with the kind of failure to understand that you suffered.

Anyway it sounds as though #3 is quite keen on her project, and may even have a bit of fun with it. I'll bet she gets some nice feedback about it, and that will firm up her confidence for the next time. I think she is doing a spectacular job for the age of 7, however, the closest I have to kids is my dog, so what would I know about it eh? :biggrin:.

Please tell her that one of your internet friends thinks that she is doing really great with her project. :pighug:
Did you know that Alaska is not only the northern most state, but it is also the furthest west and the furthest east?
Furthest east is a bit tricky. Depends on from what direction. Just because the longitude labels are laid out that way... :biggrin: :crying:
@Mossy Auntie the next time you see me trying to pack 9 plants :doh:in a small space please reach across pond and shake me
Dude, we have all been trying to shake you from the start. :biggrin: :crying:
When you splay the girl over like that, how long do you wait to remove the little suckers that pop up or were already there?
When I ran the EBs for the first time, I planted on one end and just laid her over. She threw out a bunch of suckers, some did very well and others not so much. I really didn't take off many suckers.
I usually take most of the lower stuff before I bend them over, and then once I pull them down I'll give the rest 24-48hrs to catch up. If they're not up to the canopy by then, snip snip lmao. I've found I really especially hating trimming the small stuff, and I've yet to have lowers that develop buds anywhere as dense as the tops. Used to make me super nervous to take anything off but now I don't even hesitate.

A story in pictures lol

Morning AFN
Morning gro bro.

Gonna shut the last plant down today, one final branch with seeds, and that's all she wrote for this season. 30 seeds in the jar so far (ok, so my pollen application was not perfect :biggrin: ), and I am not sure how many on the remaining branch, but I may end up with a hundred or so total from one branch of one of my solo girls. My seed pile from this grow is maybe a bit short of 1500 seeds. I am finding the seed making side of this business quite a lot of fun. :pighug:
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