Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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frolickin in the fieldz...:smoking: ppp

amber is amber, regardless of leaf color ;) ppp
I have had colored trichomes red and purple. The purple were so dark there was no way to see if they ambered. The red turned orange not amber. We also have to consider that 1 in 12 men are color deficient, only 1 in 200 women. They may not be able to see amber? :2cents:
Is that an Elk track?

man, there'z all kinda trackz back there, lol :doh: deer, coyote, rabbit, squirrel, cat, coon, possum....hard to tell wtf is what, lol :rofl: :shrug: ppp
I have had colored trichomes red and purple. The purple were so dark there was no way to see if they ambered. The red turned orange not amber. We also have to consider that 1 in 12 men are color deficient, only 1 in 200 women. They may not be able to see amber? :2cents:
Then those should go by the ripe shape, correct?
Yes that is one of the things that my Personal experience is counter to his study? My cannabinoids and terpene profile both improved with the addition of UVA/UVB to my grow. He does state that stress introduced at the right time does improve these qualities and maybe I am just stressing my plants with the huge AgroMax Pure UV lamps at the right time?
He is also using run-off to measure PPM, but this may only apply to his soil mix? I have much to learn.

Stress seems to be a logical answer. Also, my spidey senses tell me there is something about the combination of the UVA and UVB combined. But then again, what the hell do I know!
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