A great product is HumiChar. It's a micronized humic acid and biochar product in granular form. In this form, there's no need to 'activate' anything. Microbes will have the biochar occupied within 48 hrs. Once moisture hits, it fully breaks down into the micronized particle.Im getting things ready for another try at an outdoor grow this year. I been thinking about using some activated biochar in my 65 gallon rain science grow bag. Anyone ever use biochar
You can add it to your media mix and just like any other product. It's a little pricey, but it stays in the soil for a long time. The micronized biochar has a bunch of homes for your little helpers and aids in the retention of moisture. The only lock up your get adding to your mix is any toxins that may be there.
It's made by The Andersons company. There's a smaller bag that you might want to try
Amazon product
They have another product that's only biochar if you don't want the humic acid.
Same micronized product and same no lock up. If you're worried about lock up, just use compost tea to wet your material when building your mix. I do that anyway.
Amazon product