Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Is this the same badass snowmobile u talked about ordering last winter?? That thing looked sick so if u still waiting on it that’s a bummer! Or if u received that and ordered another then guess not quite so bad! :d5:
No this is a different animal lol it is the Mach Z by Ski doo it needs chips in order to run the gauge the same chip that is holding cars up and it has smart shocks that need a chip to operate safely and there is a lack of tracks skis the starter safety cord called a dess key is right now universal to all 2022 sleds. So last year was fun compared to this year. And I will not be ordering anything in 2022 for 2023 model year simple as that. The biggest track maker Camo has ran out of snowmobile tracks due to a rubber shortage. What happens when the trucks that do the delivering start to fail or need replacing and they have a huge wait. Grocery stores will be down on food. Tires are going to be hard to get in 2022 to so I have read.
Everything is just fine Mossy I was busy building a huge edition on my house. It took my wife and I and my brother in law months to do it to code being that we are YouTube carpenters and a wood shortage and a nail shortage can you believe we ran out of nails for the fancy nail gun and had to actually use a hammer lol. But the real Bummer i ordered a brand Knew snowmobile and still have not taken ownership of it yet it was suppose to be here in December. Shortages on shocks tracks so that is a bummer. But i have some beautiful plants going so that offsets everything that is crappy LOL

Life steps in @F.N. long as you are not Sick.....I'm Happy.......:pass:

Happy Caturday....... :pass: .......smoke break................

I am working hard to get a nutrient schedule designed for autos using MC 2 Part and NPK Raw products. I don't know about nute stuff for 99 cents
I actually had to look to see what it was and how I got it that cheap. I tested some nutes for a vendor on here, And because of how much my plants were eating at the time it looked like I was going to run out, So they sent a promo code that wound up covering everything but 99 cents. The original pack that was sent wound up lasting longer than I thought it would, So I stashed the new box in a tote and forgot about it until recently.
Hopefully it's still good, Because it's a pretty good product.

Edit... The box of nutes has sat unopened for two years... I'm not real sure it'd be any good.
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using a water hose to settle the dirt in keeps the ground from settling later, the tell tale shallow depression that marks a hasty grave.
Ya can't do that in black gumbo soils. I learned that as a kid. That kind of soil that if you walk across a wet plowed field, you will be 6 inches taller on the other side.:funny:

Works well in your sandy soil.
Last animal I laid to rest was my Mom's 'Tux'. He was just a common black and white tom cat. He sure was a character, though. Character is an understatement!
I made him a little sandstone maker with his name carved in it. I buried him under one of my big oak trees at my old farm. It made Mom happy. She did take it pretty hard. A replacement found me a few months later.
I drove by before this stupid covid crap and it was still there.:biggrin:
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