Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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It's like that if your a newb to vaping and you never quit smoking it went away for me but for the people I know who still combusted they couldn't take it.
Hell, I was just gonna say he's got his heat set too high lol
I think it fucks with smokers worse cause when I did both vaping was worse and I'd watch newbs not able to take it even tho they could hit a bong blunt etc
Maybe? It's a different "Texture" that they're not used to, if that makes sense.
It's like that if your a newb to vaping and you never quit smoking it went away for me but for the people I know who still combusted they couldn't take it.
Prob similar to trying to vape nicotine if u still smoke cigs!
Not new to vaping by any means. Got my 1st volcano with the knob like 20 years ago and used to blow fuses with the fishbowl ones before that. Had the digital version for about 8 years now after selling the old one to a roommate... Generally run 3 bags per canister 360/375/420. Just seems to be getting harsher the last year or so. The wife can't smoke at all but will only mess with the volcano and everybody else still loves it so I think it's just me
Oh btw how much u planning on making?? It lasts forever and I broke down the ratio so that instead of 1000g of oyster shell and 1gal of vinegar I divided it down by 12.8 to come out to equivalent in oyster shell as my 10oz bottle of brown rice vinegar! If I remember correctly it’s like 75ish g’s of oyster!

Also adding 250g of epsom (to full recipe) gets u water soluble cal mag!:d5:
I actually somehow managed to have it not shoot everywhere lol. I didn't see this till now, so I ended up very slowly pouring the vinegar over it. Little bit of foamy-ness, and a little bit more each time I stirred. Bubbles are still going but looks like I'm past the risk point for a paper mache volcano type incident. I did 16oz of vinegar, so I'd assume 31.25g of epsom would do it?
Question for you stoner chatters. My SSSC Auto Ellephant is foxtailing. What do you guys do about this? I am tempted to trim them all, but thought I would ask first. :shrug:

Dutch pro is a bit too expensive for me, So I'll probably experiment with megacrop and this liquid nute stuff I got for 99 cents. I'm definitely gonna start obsessing over the hydro threads on here to see how much of what was used and when, Ya know?

I came across shoebills in a video on YouTube and thought their behaviors and peculiarities were fascinating...and wound up making one my avatar lol

I am working hard to get a nutrient schedule designed for autos using MC 2 Part and NPK Raw products. I don't know about nute stuff for 99 cents
Here she is post haircut, still bushy af but you're almost able to see her buds now lol. She's pretty much all bud for the entire depth of her canopy.

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