Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Baby pics! Sorry! I didn't use macro.
Still waiting on two of the Sweet Bourbon Kush. No Idea why they are not up yet.I guess I need to drop two in water today. Later, I think I'll play Canna Paleontologist and play like I'm at a dig.:biggrin:
Sour Stompers


Double Grape.....foreground left EarthBox Jr

3Bears OG X Double Grape .....foreground right EarthBox Jr
Sour Stompers ....background


Sweet Bourbon Kush .....foreground
Elephant ........background


Clay Pot Elephants


Elephant .........EarthBox

My cousin, that local to me, just called and said he tested positive for the last variant of COVID-19 this morning when he went to work. He says it's less than a regular cold. All he has is a sore throat and feeling tired. He's vaxxed, but no booster.

With as rapid as this last variant is spreading. it should burn itself out very quickly.
Logic would ensue that would be the end of any sort of government mandate......................but we are talking about government. I haven't seen ANY logic from ANY government in the world since this crap started!
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