Yep, that's what its like here when its at "normal" levels. Hubby said his windshield has a several mm thick layer today when he got in to take the kids to school. Its absolutely gross. I think its the juniper that's getting me currently, apparently we are in the middle of juniper/elm/poplar season and elm and poplar are both less common around here and also less likely to cause severe symptoms. Juniper on the other hand I know I'm stupid allergic to, my one attempt at using juniper starts for bonsai ended up with my hands and arms covered in an unbearably itchy burning bloody rash for *weeks*. Pine hasn't started up here yet apparently but it'll be soon for sure as you can already see them starting.Today is so bad that I haven't been able to stop coughing for more than a minute or two at at time in the past 3 hours, ended up using my inhaler which I hate cause it makes me feel awful and even then I haven't stopped, though at least I'm getting little breaks between now. Had mono like a decade ago and ever since I've had to use an inhaler because often once I start coughing bronchial spasms kick in and I can't stop.
Give it an hour or two. Raining sideways here and wind is blowin like a hurricane. So, shouldn't take that long to get to you. The rain should knock the pollen down for ya. Hope you feel better!!!