Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Evening guys.
Tried some of that fresh AutoUltimate, i would say it tastes pretty good even if it’s not cured or fully dried yet.


A round feel-good-up high, and better then a (My country’s standard) great quality hash i smoked earlier today.

Going to bring a sample of this to that guy and see what he thinks about this it.
... navy beans... smelly week!
I started putting epazote in my beans a few years ago. It's a Mexican herb that takes the gas out of the beans. I found dried epazote in the Mexican section at the supermarket and tried it. Then I got some seeds and been growing my own. Smells like turpentine, but you don't need a lot. Fresh is a lot better than dried. Chop it up in the beans when you're about to serve it, or put a sprig on top as a garnish.

I'm told it's also brewed into a medicinal tea as a vermifuge. Grows like a weed. Each plant produces 1,000's of seeds. Here it is in my kitchen herb garden:
Hey Diddle Diddle, the cat and the Fiddle, A lie told to children at rest.
The Astronauts killed the Man in the Moon.
Growing up took care of the Rest.

my favorite poem.
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