List of Things to Fix or Look At

Why is it that now, many of the threads I use to participate in require you to join a "group"? I see no value in that at all and in fact may discourage members from participating. We should be able to participate in any thread that does not have some security reason, such as the BHO thread had. This is just an annoyance.
Agreed, that's odd.
Also I'm wondering if Tapatalk will work again. It hasn't work for me in a while and tries to launch often when I click links and pictures. Tapatalk was nice to browse with I think.
Hey good morning everyone!

The new "join requirement" is part of a new add-on I bought for the forum; it works as a bit of an overlay style for vendor/breeder forums that gives them a slew of relative options (a group media gallery for picture uploads, group events via a global calendar, having the abilities to have "group followers," some additional tabs for information, etc. It's only for vendor/breeder forums and while yes we recognize it's a bit of a pain in the butt when it wasn't a requirement before, we also feel it's a very small PITA for the benefits it's hopefully going to help provide.

It doesn't appear that we can circumvent the requirement (I will inquire into it from the dev though,) but honestly seems pretty minor IMO.

Agreed, that's odd.
Also I'm wondering if Tapatalk will work again. It hasn't work for me in a while and tries to launch often when I click links and pictures. Tapatalk was nice to browse with I think.

This version of our forum software no longer supports Taptatalk (and good riddance.) If you want to talk security concerns, google Tapatalk and see what they are doing with all of your uploaded information :thumbsup:
i think the only way to save those site is to stop trying to make it more like HOTT. Please please please stop adding more things daily that make this site less enjoyable. If the short attention span theatre likes battles and chat then leaves them over there and make this its own thing. I keep hearing about how great it works at HOTT. This isn’t HOTT. This is AFN and this thread is so you can see what we as members of AFN would like to see as improvements. Big hint revert back 24 months before all the BS sever issues and silly ruin if groups. I really feel like this thread is just so you can tell us why what your doing is better instead of us helping you make the site more enjoyable.

Mid afternoon Sunday coffee and browse. Nope I can’t unless I join all the rooms. Even then navigation is BS. Instead of participating in this site I’m here venting about BS changes. I think you are making a huge mistake not taking AFN more seriously and fixing the concerns that many people seem to have.Loyalty is something that is tough to build. Sites like HOTT can be replaced easily by the next crazy site that offers the same format. It’s like the new “build your own world” app that comes out every year. AFN has an irreplaceable vibe that would outlast any of that BS if you could just fix the issues that have already been brought up. And stop trying to give us things we aren’t asking for. Roll the entire site back up into Half the amount of forums and let’s get back to rebuilding this community.
No one likes change but it happens and we have to live with that and adapt sometimes things need to be updated in order to work with everything else
i think the only way to save those site is to stop trying to make it more like HOTT. Please please please stop adding more things daily that make this site less enjoyable. If the short attention span theatre likes battles and chat then leaves them over there and make this its own thing. I keep hearing about how great it works at HOTT. This isn’t HOTT. This is AFN and this thread is so you can see what we as members of AFN would like to see as improvements. Big hint revert back 24 months before all the BS sever issues and silly ruin if groups. I really feel like this thread is just so you can tell us why what your doing is better instead of us helping you make the site more enjoyable.

Mid afternoon Sunday coffee and browse. Nope I can’t unless I join all the rooms. Even then navigation is BS. Instead of participating in this site I’m here venting about BS changes. I think you are making a huge mistake not taking AFN more seriously and fixing the concerns that many people seem to have.Loyalty is something that is tough to build. Sites like HOTT can be replaced easily by the next crazy site that offers the same format. It’s like the new “build your own world” app that comes out every year. AFN has an irreplaceable vibe that would outlast any of that BS if you could just fix the issues that have already been brought up. And stop trying to give us things we aren’t asking for. Roll the entire site back up into Half the amount of forums and let’s get back to rebuilding this community.

You can browse anything on the site without joining so let's not exaggerate things. Nothing is being designed to look like HOTT. It just got the new software package first. That upgrade here was critically needed as supports for add-ons, etc. was now redundant. Not every change will be to everyone's liking, or even benefit, but as @Steviestash said change happens. Joining the groups requires nothing more than pressing the join button, then in, no wait.

This site is pushing forwards, hopefully with you all on board :pass:
i think the only way to save those site is to stop trying to make it more like HOTT. Please please please stop adding more things daily that make this site less enjoyable. If the short attention span theatre likes battles and chat then leaves them over there and make this its own thing. I keep hearing about how great it works at HOTT. This isn’t HOTT. This is AFN and this thread is so you can see what we as members of AFN would like to see as improvements. Big hint revert back 24 months before all the BS sever issues and silly ruin if groups. I really feel like this thread is just so you can tell us why what your doing is better instead of us helping you make the site more enjoyable.

Mid afternoon Sunday coffee and browse. Nope I can’t unless I join all the rooms. Even then navigation is BS. Instead of participating in this site I’m here venting about BS changes. I think you are making a huge mistake not taking AFN more seriously and fixing the concerns that many people seem to have.Loyalty is something that is tough to build. Sites like HOTT can be replaced easily by the next crazy site that offers the same format. It’s like the new “build your own world” app that comes out every year. AFN has an irreplaceable vibe that would outlast any of that BS if you could just fix the issues that have already been brought up. And stop trying to give us things we aren’t asking for. Roll the entire site back up into Half the amount of forums and let’s get back to rebuilding this community.
I didn't like hott, everytime I went there something else would go wrong. the nail in the coffin was my pics all of a sudden became too big. Hard to battle when you can't upload pics. so I terminated that address. I liked AFN because it was unique. I understand change but sometimes its overrated too.
I understand change but sometimes its overrated too.

hear-hear! :thumbsup: hey mac, sorry i haven't been able to give likez to ur postz lately, but me ain't joinin any kinda group jus to be able to do so, cuz that'z jus plain sillee :nono: i dunno bout anybody else, but me a free spirit & didn't join up to join groupz, do battlez, or any o' jus wanna share me lil growz, gain some insight along the way, and above all, have fun :biggrin: ppp