i think the only way to save those site is to stop trying to make it more like HOTT. Please please please stop adding more things daily that make this site less enjoyable. If the short attention span theatre likes battles and chat then leaves them over there and make this its own thing. I keep hearing about how great it works at HOTT. This isn’t HOTT. This is AFN and this thread is so you can see what we as members of AFN would like to see as improvements. Big hint revert back 24 months before all the BS sever issues and silly ruin if groups. I really feel like this thread is just so you can tell us why what your doing is better instead of us helping you make the site more enjoyable.
Mid afternoon Sunday coffee and browse. Nope I can’t unless I join all the rooms. Even then navigation is BS. Instead of participating in this site I’m here venting about BS changes. I think you are making a huge mistake not taking AFN more seriously and fixing the concerns that many people seem to have.Loyalty is something that is tough to build. Sites like HOTT can be replaced easily by the next crazy site that offers the same format. It’s like the new “build your own world” app that comes out every year. AFN has an irreplaceable vibe that would outlast any of that BS if you could just fix the issues that have already been brought up. And stop trying to give us things we aren’t asking for. Roll the entire site back up into Half the amount of forums and let’s get back to rebuilding this community.