New Grower Let's Grow!! ER & DP Blue W/ LED and CFL 1st Grow

I've been looking in to several ways to make hash, wax, oil. Not sure which method I'm going to use. I'll probably go with the which ever seems the easiest for me.
This blender method sounds interesting... I'll search it out.
Thanks Muddy
dude +1 on the dry ice hash it was RIDICULOUS what i got from that vs any other method real talk.....

Welcome Tshirt, long time subscriber of your threads. Great work man on everything.
I'll be looking in to dry ice as well.
Thanks a lot robwars much appreciated. It's a lot of work growing so its nice to know im appreciated sometimes lol. If you ever need help feel free to pm me with questions.
First up is my only JD EasyRyder
64 Days young
Should start flushing in a week or so

Next up Dutch Passion Auto Blueberry
64 Days Young
She never grew tall like my other hydro BB but she'll due
Probably start flushing her in a week as well

Next up is another DP Auto BB in soil
First attempt at growing
12-13 weeks young
She's being flushed for harvest in a week or so

Family photo that includes my 32oz comp entry
(another DP Auto BB)

As soon as these girls are done I'll be starting another grow. Ive got a bunch of different strains to choose from as well as deciding how I want to grow them.
Stay tuned....
I wanted to talk about my feeding schedules and the Fox Farm line that I'm using currently.
I've been using the FF trio for both my soil and hydro grows with the exception of using two different FF Grow Big. One FF Grow Big is for Hydro and one is for soil.
Here is my nute list for soil
CaMg, Molasses, FF GB (soil), FF BB, and FF TB. As well as FF Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching.
I've been using the FF feeding chart "loosely" as a general guide line for my plants. I had a few lags in growth early due to inexperience but once I got on track after a few feedings it was easy to tell just by looking at the plants what stage they were in and where they needed to be on the feeding chart. For example, early on I had some major deficiency problems which in my opinion held the plants in a "suspended state" for a couple of weeks. So once the plants got back on track even though they were four weeks old I treated them like they were on week two as far as the chart goes. This shows in my 3 gallon DP BB who looks like she will go to almost 13-14 weeks which IMO is longer then usual.

Hydro nutes-
Silica, CaMg, FF GB (hydro), FF BB, and FF TB. As well as FF Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching.
I also used the FF hydro feeding chart on the hydro girls as well.
I was told that when growing hydro you should hit them with the nutes hard and fast and that's what I did. I stayed within the parameters of the feeding chart but I did hit them hard with nutes and they loved it.

When I started my grows I thought I knew enough from all of my research to grow healthy plants. Ha!!! Not so fast!! You will learn ten times more once you actually start growing. Yes you might loose a few plants in the process as I did but you will learn a whole hell of a lot. My advice to new growers is to pick a line of nutes that is simple to use and easy to find info as far as other growers using it. Like Fox Farms Trio.... And then start growing, you'll never know until you get into it and get your hands dirty. Another bit of advice is, don't cut corners. It will cost you more $$ and time in the long run. I understand that money doesn't grow on trees (ha ha) and growing is damn expensive which brings me to the point I'm trying to make... I was going to build a box and rig it up to grow with lights and other goods I could find at home depot. Not that there is anything wrong with that because I have seen tons of grows in homemade boxes that are very successful. But for me I chose to hold out and spend a little extra money on some true gear. I feel like I saved money in the long run because eventually I think most growers will grow out of their homemade setups.
That's it for now, I have more to rant about but I have to go to work so to be continued...
Joint Dr's Easy Ryder Hermied on my ass and I didn't even see it. They're all very undeveloped seed sacks so we'll see what I can get out of her/him, shim... Also not all of the buds were affected as far as I can tell.
So with that being said I chopped shim down.
Here are some pics and weights...

100_2048.jpg Forgot to mention I chopped the main cola last night (thats when I realized the problem). This pic was taken today with no main cola, you can see where I cut shim.


The nugs look pretty sick so I'm sure I'll be able to use all of this in one way or the other. I'll keep the non infected buds to smoke and use the rest for some concentrates.
Also there are some pics of my new diy drying cabinet. I installed a cpu fan on the back sucking out the air and strategically drilled some holes around the cabinet that will let in fresh air but not light. It's kept in a dark room anyway.
Oh yeah the big ass nug in the dryer is my 32oz comp entry, one big nug 28 grams wet.

My other two remaining girls are doing fine they both seem to be unaffected by the hermie sittuation they are both DP Auto BB's. They're coming down in the next few days, I want to flush them one more time.
Pics to come.

More Harvest Porn XXX
Both are Dutch Passion Auto Blueberry
Soil = 12 weeks
Hydro 11 weeks

Soil First -


Hydro (DWC) -

I'll post final weights and such as soon as they're ready!!
I'd like to say thanks to everyone who helped and or watched this grow!!
Fantastic results, well done. I especially love pic 11. Beautiful colors.
Thanks Muddy!!
Couldn't have done it without your help sir :bow:
