Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Getting two of these tomorrow after seeing them work on the flower garden. I will be hooking this up to a 30 gallon rain barrell, and it'll be gravity fed. Mix the nutes and let it drain! Hopefully it works perfect!

Getting two of these tomorrow after seeing them work on the flower garden. I will be hooking this up to a 30 gallon rain barrell, and it'll be gravity fed. Mix the nutes and let it drain! Hopefully it works perfect!

Morning GS [emoji482]

So that's got 20 connections on it that you can make any size you want out of that hundred foot of soak hose... that's what I need that would be perfect. I have 2 100' soak hoses but they're just great big long ones.
That's a great idea to put Connections in there like that maybe I can go buy some connections and create a better soak hose that I have and customize it that's very cool good idea.[emoji106]

And I love the air pot idea that was a great idea man[emoji106] I'm just taking my fiber pots now that I put in the ground and I just slit up the side of them and open them up and depending on how big the pot is. There are a lot of slits or a few of them.
To reuse that fiber pot I just take that weed mesh that you put over your garden and just line the inside of the pot with that and put my dirt in it and I'm good to go again all I got to do was take my knife and slit open in the same slit that's already there and way I grow.
Thanks for putting me up on them too.[emoji481][emoji482][emoji471]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
As i was about to leave, i was walking by the blueberry and noticed a tip that did not look "right". On closer inspection I noticed a Spitter....damn spitters!!
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Spitter trying to make a break for it out of the slime!!
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Caught and exterminated
View attachment 918724
These bastards are forever all over my rose bushes my step daughter goes round collecting them...she's bug mad haha. They've never had much interest in my plants though...thankfully
How do you get rid of them what can you spray? Or is there a thing for them?Help

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Could it be thrips? I've had damage like this on previous plants but not so extreme. Look under leaves and stems for tiny green/brown/white bugs...pinhead size. I used a mix of tap water fairy wash liquid & a drop of veg oil in a sprayer and seemed to do the trick..
I cut all grass back and sprayed teaspoon of pyrthrin to a quart and they have left thank God and still got 3 months to recuperate I'll take some pictures tomorrow if I get there but also glad they were really kicking the first 2 that I put outs butt. But now the bugs are gone there were these black bugs just two but I said I'm not taking no chances and blasted them off glad there alot happier

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Morning GS [emoji482]

So that's got 20 connections on it that you can make any size you want out of that hundred foot of soak hose... that's what I need that would be perfect. I have 2 100' soak hoses but they're just great big long ones.
That's a great idea to put Connections in there like that maybe I can go buy some connections and create a better soak hose that I have and customize it that's very cool good idea.[emoji106]

And I love the air pot idea that was a great idea man[emoji106] I'm just taking my fiber pots now that I put in the ground and I just slit up the side of them and open them up and depending on how big the pot is. There are a lot of slits or a few of them.
To reuse that fiber pot I just take that weed mesh that you put over your garden and just line the inside of the pot with that and put my dirt in it and I'm good to go again all I got to do was take my knife and slit open in the same slit that's already there and way I grow.
Thanks for putting me up on them too.[emoji481][emoji482][emoji471]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]

Spent the day hooking up half my system. Got it laid out and set up a 20 gallon drink for 4 plants. Definitely works good enough that i am setting up a second resevoir. It took about 40 minutes to clear the 20 gallons. Had to remove the "plug" to get better drainage, as i need to hit these plants twice in the same day during the peak of flower(equaling to 8 gallons per plant with a double feeding)

Fabric pots - Just make sure you keep your cuts shallow, don't want to cut any precious roots my friend!!
I cut all grass back and sprayed teaspoon of pyrthrin to a quart and they have left thank God and still got 3 months to recuperate I'll take some pictures tomorrow if I get there but also glad they were really kicking the first 2 that I put outs butt. But now the bugs are gone there were these black bugs just two but I said I'm not taking no chances and blasted them off glad there alot happier

Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk

Good to hear! Hope it works out awesome for you bud!
Spent the day hooking up half my system. Got it laid out and set up a 20 gallon drink for 4 plants. Definitely works good enough that i am setting up a second resevoir. It took about 40 minutes to clear the 20 gallons. Had to remove the "plug" to get better drainage, as i need to hit these plants twice in the same day during the peak of flower(equaling to 8 gallons per plant with a double feeding)

Fabric pots - Just make sure you keep your cuts shallow, don't want to cut any precious roots my friend!!
Thanks GS for the heads up on not cutting the roots.[emoji482]
So your plants are drinking about 5 gallons twice a day.
Is that how I read that?
Wow that's a lot of water. Maybe I'm not giving my plants enough water maybe I need to give them more water?
I'm giving them a batch of tea in the morning tomorrow. And that usually about a 3 to 5 gallon drink depending on the size of the plant.
I don't think I give them that much water I mean really haven't paid really that close attention.
I water when they seem like they need water you know when they start to look a little dry and then I'll give them a couple maybe 3 gallons of water each.
About twice a week. The plants in the fiber pots the 2 Chocolate mint OG they get water like every other day right now cuz of the dryness and the heat they go through water quickly cuz there fiber pots and they evaporate water quickly if they're not in the ground.
But you got a huge bed there for your plants.
I understand you got to wet up a large area so it makes more sense to me now that I think about it that way.[emoji482]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
So far so good the little pest have moved on I think as well. But I sprayed one last time last night. So I'll post up when that one looks better I'm glad that they hadn't gotten to all of them but that's also why I don't put many in one spot. Thanks for the suggestion. I believe I got it under control and 3 months for her to recover and blast off

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