New Grower Lest see what yield I can get with 35$ total in material.

My wife liked the smoke and was very happy with the high of the fast dried stuff last night so I decided to go ahead and harvest her. She's all cloudy with about 5% amber. Very uplifting high.

I harvested all the smaller shoots today then in a couple days ill take the bigger ones to let them get a little more amber 10-15%

Wet and trimmed she weighed 168.4 grams so if my math is correct it will be 50.52 grams dry. That's 168.4 times .70 to get approximate weight. Her buds are very dence im happy with it for my 1st grow I coulda done better and im kicking myself for it but that's how you learn

I also still have the 8 bigger tops that should weigh atleast 75-100 grams wet. Total

But now on to bigger and better grows.


Here she is stripped down to her bigger tops will leave like this for week week and a half tops

:thanks: everyone for all your help.
I harvested the rest of her last night and got 138.2 grams wet for a grand total of 306 grams wet so if my math is correct I sshould get right around 3 oz fully dry I guess I'm ok with that for 1st grow. Off the 1st batch I harvested Las week dry weight was 1.8 oz which would lead me to believe that out of 138 wet I should get 43 dry for a grand total of 3.3 oz I will get some pics of the dried bud
Here she is 16 days from harvest final weight of her was 88 grams so just over 3 oz im pleased with that weight for my 1st grow the wife and i will have smoke for quite some time. Also I got 41 grams of trimming which I made some cannabutter and cannaoil with. I've made a couple batches of brownies and its super strong.

Very very pleased with the high its very uplifting at first then after the 2nd bowl your couch locked. Very earthey/diesel smelling now that its dried but it smokes super smooth hands down best/strongest smoke I've ever had and way better then local street Jane. The wife has never been much of a smoker cause it hurts her throat but she loves this strain/smoke she used to only eat edibles but with this strain its very relaxing and gives you the Munchies like a mofo lol and its very smooth it doesn't hurt your throat or make u cough unless you rip the whole bowl well for us anyway very good strain so pleased that I've already got another going.

Her is some pics of her dried buds.
