I will flip her by size so hopefully week 3
The rise of ethylene, the flowering, trigger hormone, in fems, begins to have the effect of, "Staggering Internodes", anywhere from day25-28 onwards, when still in 18/6 mode. By wk5, 35days veg, the period i use for vegging fems, internodes are staggered, and i flip to 12/12, via, 15/9 for 5 days, then 12/12........... as soon as internodes begin to stagger, then drop the root stim if you use it............... which i do........ all energy is directed from root exploration, to flower frame building, and bow strengthening. The way to volume fruitification, is to veg a larger plant, greater numbers of "Fully Developed" lower bows.............. in correct lighting.
From there, post 12/12, i keep the veg nute and nitrogen levels up, on track, until the frames of the flowers are well and truly built, around wk7-8, i usually run to 100-115 days to full ripe fems, fully loaded with trichome. Then lower the veg nute ratio, and the mobile nute = Nitrogen %, reduced down, and begin to % raise sugars and "root temperature" +2-3c (Summertime temp rise), also raise, Phosphorus, Manganese,, Magnesium, Calcium carbonate CaCo3, + micro nutrients level. As raising the root temp, triggers greater bacterial microflora, microbial growth... including microryzal symbyosis (RHS RootGrow)....... use HCo3 carbonic acid if you can to make your nutrient profile complex in, if you can,............. ensure it's gassed (Aerated), before use....... heres a ripe auto DesFran @ day 78
is a photo and is on 12/12.
say no more... is a fem photo................ only kidding

............... looking nice, watered from below, no top soil flushing,.................... vigorous in veg too....
They just started flowering.
When did 12/12 start ??, we know they where 7 days old, at start of blog on 1st Feb..........
1st feb (Start blog + plants 7 days old), to say 4th march when photo-period was changed down, to 12/12, say 8 days before the 12th march update, yesterday, as hazelnut size flowers 8 days old, after 12/12 flip = 11th March update.................
On 23rd Feb update, they where 29days old, so to end of Feb, from 23rd to 28th, = 5 days. Then add the days to the 11th March = last 5 day of Feb, + 11 day of March = to Yesterday they are 29 + 5 + 11 = 45 day old ??
so trying to work out when, what day of grow, they where switched to 12/12, as we dont know exactly....
1st feb (Start) they where 7 days old............ = 1st Feb to 4th march + 7 days = 27 + 4 + 7 = flip was day '38" 5wks right Ripp my good man ?
Accordingly, 38 days to march 4th, + March 4th to yesterday March 11th = 38 + 7, = March 11th, as last post, = 38 + 7 day's up to yesterday, = they where "45 day's Old"........ Correct Ripp my man ??????? and 12/12 was day 38........... from germination.
You did make a post on the 12/12 flip day 4th march ?........ "So far so good. I am hoping for a very strong lemon smell and taste". Was that the day you switched em Ripp yea ??......................... 4th march at day 38, 7 to 8 day's ago ?
They are looking 110% on the 4g of MC,. in 4.54ltrs = 1/Eng/Gall,............ of tap water Ripp ?, Ph to 6.5 ? any Ph down used at all ?, do you use bottled water ?, Buffered RO ?............... water given to plant, (Aquavalve Res), at same temp as pot & root ? or 2c above that, (Preferable) ?/...........
The aquavalve master reservoir is in the tent, "At Floor Level", so should be 4c to 5cc below canopy temp 26-28c right ?, same temp as soil in the pots 22-23c Ripp mate ?......... that is best temp for the powdered microbial beneficial bacterial complexes in the one shot powder.............
microbial flora & soil forna, much prefer 23c and above to divide and thrive etc..(As Tropical temps 28c RH60%)..... with the meg crop.......... the PK boost and all the flowering nute set, are given during the veg period, as it's all in one powder Ripp mate ??........... an even NPK like this 10/10/10 ?.....all sugars root stim all in one powder...... if so, there not looking bad on it at all !!!!!!!!!! goes against the old 'Inverse" NPK profile of veg and flower nutrient profiles.................
As mentioned, i keep my nitrogen going in, into wk3 after 12/12.................... nice job there Ripp mate, ALR