
Ok, well I got weighed and height measured. Then sat down and had all procedural scenarios explained t`me, chatted about any travelling I`ve done, vaccinations/immunisations/illness`s/operations/drug taking(I could go on, but I`d get timed out!)etc.lol. Had my heart rate, temp and blood pressure checked.Then was told that I may have to have a line fitted for the harvest,cos my veins may be too thin in my right arm(bugger!) Filled out a checklist of things I have/haven`t done in recent times. That took me up to about 2 o`clock! I was then ordered to go get something to eat. 15 mins later got back to outpatients and had 10 vials(a pint) of claret removed and provided a sample(for a piss test). Then had a chest Xray, then an ECG. Hope t`get all the results back in about a week(fingers crossed for a :check:)! I then went across the site to see my brother(He`s been in for 4 days and is getting strong chemo every other day, 2x a day!). He`s had a couple of temps, so they are investigating that. Spent an hour with him(it was his day off chemo yesterday). Missed the bus to the station(by less than a minute :finger:), luckily they turn up about every 20 mins(so not that much of a hassle). Got train back...
I`ve got to say that the staff/Doctors/nurses were brilliant and tried to explain everything to me(realistically, no holds barred), I`ve nothing but respect for them!:thumbs: Just hope my results come back good(and they can work round my right arm scenario!). :peace: all...
Just found out he`s got a blood clot now...He`s back home, but needs to go to the surgery(local) every day for an injection, till it breaks down! Ggrrrwwwww...
Just had a call from Addenbrookes. My Claret seems t`be clean! :woohoo: But my platelet count is low(so I`ve got t`go up there again on friday for a couple more blood tests...doh! :Stones slap:
What a process. At least you are getting a Royal Family/Presidential style examination.

Interesting that platelets were down. They do fluctuate. They know how to get the level back up.

Are you getting a temp port in chest or arm.

Keep us update.
I`ve known about my platelet count for a few years(told them about the possibility, during the consultation). No one has come up with an answer, since 1st told(15 odd years ago!). Basically Alan, if my veins(in my right arm) aren`t big enough, then I`ll have t`have a line in my neck or groin(they said they prefer to use the groin). I`m hoping they`ll find a way to use my arm(cos a line don`t sound pleasant mate!). Or I can go under a General and have the gear sucked out of my pelvic/back bones(also dosen`t sound pleasent!) Still, I`m really not bothered, cos pain goes away! My biggest fear was having some nastiness in m`blood, cos the guilt of not being able t`help m` brother, would have been unbearable(if it had turned out t`be of my own doing!). I`m still not 100%(cos of the platelet thing), but...now I know whatever the score, it`s not down to stupidity or ignorance on my part! I tell ya peeps, that has been playing on my mind, something chronic! It`s my Birthday on Saturday and I don`t think I`ve Ever had a better pressie!!! :High 5: :smokebuds:
Ok, so the other day(@Hospital) I was told that my platelet count was just below half of normal. They are going to investigate, to see whether it is because I have `clumpy platelets or whether it`s more serious. I`m waiting for confirmation of results. At the moment it`s not looking good(for me being a donor), but, they reckon there is a fair chance of finding another donor suitable (if my results aren`t any good). It`s been a weird few days that`s for sure! :peace:
My brother was admitted @6am Sunday. He had a temp of 39.6 celcius(not good at all!). He may be in 7-10 days(depending on how quickly they can get temp down). We`re(fam) all rather stressed! I`ve also got an appointment with a Consultant Haematologist in a couple of weeks time(Oh Happy days...`sarcasm`), due to 2nd platelet count being shite! :peace:
Got stuck in a tailback for 2 hours(on way to Addenbrookes). In the end we(me and brother) had t`give up and return home...2nd time I`ve had t`miss my appointment(cos of some BS!) :cuss: ...Rant over(for now!) :peace: all...
Sorry to hear for your troubles mate :hug:
I posted this news for you.
:Piggy Hug::karma Cloud: :group:

Thanks bro, nice 1 :smokebuds:
Found out earlier that the reason for the tailback was that, 2 teenage girls who crashed into a deer, then stacked it into another motor. There car then caught fire and they died at the scene! Feel bad/sad about being pissed off now...not a nice way t`go! Thoughts to their Familys :karma Cloud: :peace:
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