New Grower Learning from what you see .


Worm Hunter .
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Aug 9, 2014
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I am not to sure where I should blonk this , but here it is , Plants teaching you , Since I have been a member of AFN I have learn't a hell of a lot , and in a very short time you guys have turned me into a legend and no my head is still the same size :mrgreen: . So here I read about LST - Fim - Soil - NPK- Folair spray-Ect , bloody hell how am I to get my head around all this . Grow some dam Tomato's that's what and let them teach me . Well how good was that . I have never grown tomatoes before but I used what I learn't from you guys I am getting heaps of the buggers , now I can make tomato sauce to last the rest of the year :woohoo1:
Which puts me in the frame of mind to now start playing around with auto training .It is all well and good to see you guys doing it , but to really understand for me is hands on before I stuff up one of my girls . Ok here is my first tomato crop .
tom1 001.JPG
tom1 002.JPG
tom1 003.JPG
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tom1 005.JPG
must be nice being able to grow tomato's without a green house. I'm jealous