Leaf Septoria ? Nute burn ? cal mag def ?

May 9, 2021
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Hi guys anyone knows what is this started 1-2 weeks ago and its spreading maybe its the nute burn i had a month ago spreading ?
I was checking these spots on leaves found some articles about leaf septoria ? bought some oils like eucalyptus, rosemary and lemon and i sprayed the plants ...
I removed these leaves before spraying ..
Any idea ? Never used cal mag .

An older post with details and photos here any help appreciated !!



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I've had this before. I went through a good number of flushes and different fixes. I had this happen when I used lemon juice, vinegar and bicarb for ph adjusting. I don't bother adjusting it at all now (growin in soil) Also got a problem like this when using plant magic old timers, I wasn't using enough feed in flower. Gave it a few good feeds of bloom + boost and it soon caught up, carried on feeding about 6ml per ltr of bloom + boost and not had this problem since. I'd had it happen on at least 5-6 plants.
Too much fertilizer. What is the source and starting PPM of your water. Water only for the next 7 to 10 days. Add a tablespoon of molasses in 5 days just once.
Too much fertilizer. What is the source and starting PPM of your water. Water only for the next 7 to 10 days. Add a tablespoon of molasses in 5 days just once.
Source was River water for almost whole grow i stopped it like half month ago and im using bottled water with low minerals ..
No ppm , ec meter , no ph meter
only ph strips
what u mean water only for the next 7-10 days ?
23/6 last feed
1ml algamic
1ml grow
1ml top max
2ml bloom per 1.5 L

12/6 wasbefore last feed
1ml algamic
0,5 grow
0.5 top max
0,5 bloom per 1.5 L
what u mean water only for the next 7-10 days ?

Don't give her nutes for a while, just water with plain water. You seem to have nute buildup.
Source was River water for almost whole grow i stopped it like half month ago and im using bottled water with low minerals ..
No ppm , ec meter , no ph meter
only ph strips
what u mean water only for the next 7-10 days ?
23/6 last feed
1ml algamic
1ml grow
1ml top max
2ml bloom per 1.5 L

12/6 wasbefore last feed
1ml algamic
0,5 grow
0.5 top max
0,5 bloom per 1.5 L
Do not feed any nutrients the pot is way too hot. Plain water only.