La Buena Hierba LBH no "frills"

Cool man. I like the no frills. I paged through like 7 or 8 pages and couldn't find what kind of lights you are using. I suspect everybody just knows from your last grows but Im a noob in here....
Cool man. I like the no frills. I paged through like 7 or 8 pages and couldn't find what kind of lights you are using. I suspect everybody just knows from your last grows but Im a noob in here....

Sorry about that bud, I'm running a 400wtt duel spectrum I-power bulb......
FANCY PANTS LIGHT lol they seem to do fine in all light ..I ran mine under LED...That top cola is beast ..can you tell she wants a big pot?What size is yours in ? how tall is it?:slap:Talk about a nasty beer Steel reserve is strong and nasty LOL LOL Not saying you SR lol
Dude it would Be Monsters....
I cant believe How damn.Swolen.Mine Is still Getting....

big Buds ...even smaller Sats are damn.Near.colas ..

Arms Of Buds ..
FANCY PANTS LIGHT lol they seem to do fine in all light ..I ran mine under LED...That top cola is beast ..can you tell she wants a big pot?What size is yours in ? how tall is it?:slap:Talk about a nasty beer Steel reserve is strong and nasty LOL LOL Not saying you SR lol

Fancy pants says the man with the high pro LED Numbers....My next big investment is LED.........3 gallon busket, but Shes got a raw deal in the start, my TLO is not her thing. I get another shot with the promix and sea-grow its on.
LOL LED well yea I guess that is fancy pants too. U got me LOL Im on the pro mix and sea grow to see whats really good lol I think my soil had too much N on top of the SG for the plants..prolly could have just fed molasses for the most part.
#@*!!! Bloody late again! Epic grow man. She looks worth the sorting through all those males though....
Nice bud,GA6,too bad about all those males good report,will be looking for more LBH reports.