Outdoor Kyote's Adventures in Grow Land Indoor and Outdoor

Outdoor 2022 T20M Muchacha, Snow G, SSSC Elephant, FB Mexican Airlines
Cruising here in the cool temps this summer while it seems lots of folks baking in the heat.. 67 n cloudy today :cooldance:

foliar 2x a week with kelp and humic/fulvic in veg. Foliar 1x a week with Rotblock

Top dress as needed with Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 with some WC that i mix the GG into, then top dress
Happy with how everyone is growing. :smiley1:

Mexican Airlines is a bit on the small side.. she didn't have much sun to work with and cool temps as i put her out a bit too soon.. she's healthy enough so will see how she finishes out :shrug:

Muchacha is 33 inches or so @ 7 weeks. she's healthy and happy :biggrin:

Elephant cracks me up, all stem and elephant ear leaves .. 32 dayz and 32 inches :rofl:

And Snow G is taking off now the Boss Grow Gnome is supervising :eyebrows: If she doesn't start putting out satellite branches this week, might top her.. will see what the week brings

That'z that for this week ..happy growz to u, until we meet again :toke::pass:
Outdoor 2022 Seedstockers Blackberry Gum auto and photo, Thunder Banana auto
Oops, :doh: forgot to post the Seedstocker gurlz.. so pics from a few dayz ago...

Blackberry Gum Photo


Blackberry Gum Auto in early flower @ 37 dayz

And Thunder Banana Auto @ day 30


Ok, now that'z it for dis week ..happy grows to u :smiley1:
Outdoor 2022 Seedstockers Blackberry Gum auto and photo, Thunder Banana auto
Thunder Banana and Blackberry Gum Autos starting to get some fermented banana, molasses, brown sugar and comfrey tea once a week.

Top dressing with Gaia Green and WC when needed.

Thunder Banana Auto @42 days

Blackberry Gum Auto @48 days

Blackberry Gum Photo is vegging along

Help from the little people

Every one is looking happy. Your growing experience is showing:bump: thunder banana, will taste like bananas?

Thanks, need all the help i can get :rofl: These plants grow in spite of me :smoking:

Have no idea what that Thunder Banana will taste like.. :shrug: Banana would be something eh? I wanted to grow it due to the Alaska Thunder Fuck in her lineage :smoking:
Ah yes! Nice plants, nice update, nice grower. You got any that might turn into the circus tent pole you had last year? That thing was a monster.

:yeahthat: I got something going that i thought was an Elephant, but thinking i got seeds mixed up :wall: So i got a sativa structured plant in a 5 gallon bag that has me scratching me head.. it's probably 4 feet tall now and growing inches every day. so it's the surprise plant this year.. it might be a fast lemon drizzle? :shrug:

I haven't posted any updates on it or a few others as i'm a bit under the weather here and just not feeling up to it . I'll get something up on the others this weekend or so :thumbsup:

Stay cool down there.. it'z been very mild summer here.. one day over 80 is all we have had... :d5:
Well shoot, sorry to hear that you're still not feeling great. Hope you shake it soon. Summer is a terrible time to be ill. Too much fun to be had.

Yeah, the weather is going to be extremely hot the next few days. Forecast puts the high at 99F until Monday, but I'm certain it will be over 100. Heat warning for tomorrow with the heat index at 110 and 86% humidity. Essentially it is hot enough and humid enough that you will die if you are outside for too long. Never thought I would see that sort of thing outside desert regions or the Indian subcontinent.
Ok.. here's a delayed update on the rest of the crew..

Think I gots the Elephant sorted out.. pretty sure it'z a Fast Lemon Drizzle photo.. I put the wrong seeds in the wrong envelope .. it's a long story so blah blah blah.. :rofl:

Found one on the internet with the exact same structure and leaf formation.. more of a hybrid leaf than pure sativa, but with sativa structure.. also has a lemon smell from a stem rub - so Fast Lemon Drizzle it is unless further information comes in :thumbsup:

And Snow G working on some side branches

Muchacha Auto 3 weeks into flower @62 dayz from sprout.. top dressed her today with some 4-4-4 and 2-8-4, watered in with banana, comfrey, brown sugar, and molasses stink tea :smoking: Yes, she is me huckleberry :kiss:

Oh, and Mexican Airlines @ 54 dayz that barely got into the air.. the early cool weather sure kept her on the tiny side :eek1: She got the same treatment today as Muchacha.


Happy trailz to you until next time :pass:
Gaia Green organic nutrients and WC for top dressing.

Phyter Rotblock 1x a week.

Banana, comfrey, molasses, brown sugar sun tea 1x a week.

FB's Mexican Airlines night bud shot. Pic was taken a few days ago.. today she is at 63 days .. she's a lil thing of a plant buts is finishing up nicely :thumbsup:


Seedstockers Blackberry Gum Auto @ 59 days

Seedstockers Blackberry Gum Photo

Fast Lemon Drizzle .. mixed up me seeds on this one :doh:


T20M Muchacha @ 72 days

T20M's Snow G photo

Seedstockers Thunder Banana @ 53 days

That's it for this weeks mess :smoking:

Happy Growing !! :pass: