Outdoor Kyote's Adventures in Grow Land Indoor and Outdoor

Outdoor 2022 Seedstockers Blackberry Gum auto and photo in da house
Decided to run an auto and photo of the same strain. Grew out a BlackBerry Gum photo last year and loving the meds. :thumbsup:

Also dropped a T20M Snow G in the soil today, and will start 2 more autos. Thunder Banana and the other one is undecided. :shrug:

bbgA 6-1.jpg

bbgf 6-1.jpg

Getting started right away aren't ya! Will these end up in the outdoor space?

Yepperz they will :thumbsup: It'z being cool and wet here, record setting type cool and wet. I saw something yesterday that said summer might come in July :rofl:

Oh well.. it is wat it is and we will see what happens. :smoking: An tanks for da reps in LSC.. :bump:
Outdoor 2022 Snow G, Elephant, Thunder Banana in the house
Seems i forgot to post baby pics of these so here they are.

Snow G photo from T20M 6.3 was its birthday

and today
6-11 snow.jpg

Auto Elephant from SSSC
6-6 elephant.jpg

and today

and Seedstockers Thunder Banana
6-7 tb.jpg

6-11 TB.jpg

That's that .. oh.. it'z still 59 n cloudy here :doh: Happy growing folks :pass:

@Death The Cultivator
Outdoor 2022 Seedstockers Blackberry Gum auto and photo, Thunder Banana auto
Last pics of the little ones before going outdoors :mrgreen:

Running lights 17/7 .. on at 5am and off at 10pm to roughly match daylight hours.

Thunder Banana auto @ 7 days

Blackberry Gum auto doing good @ 13 days

Blackberry Gum photo getting close to transplant

Outdoor 2022 moving day and some rare sunshine
Friday was the 2nd sunny day of the week, and actually had the first 70F day. Made it to 71 :jump:

So everything is either under the tarp or in the GH :thumbsup:

Not gonna post a bunch of photos as there really isn't much going on. I did see a bit of minor nibbles on a few leaves. As long as da bugs keep it minimal, no problem sharing :smoking:

I'll give em all a foliar tonight at sundown with the secret sauce gnome juice :eyebrows:

Here's just a lil picture of the Blackberry Gum photo and auto. Also the Snow G photo and the Muchacha auto, which is the larger plant in da bag. Really can't see Snow G, but trust me, it'z in there. :toke:


And the GH crew.. Thunder Banana, Elephant, and Mexican Airlines autos

It's been so cool the lettuce hasn't bolted yet.. and somehow got a mullein volunteer growing, which is an awesome medicinal herb that we use. It really isn't that common on the island, so this was a nice surprise to see :smoking:

Happy grows to you :smiley1:
2022 Outdoor with Seedstockers Blackberry Gum photo and auto, Banana Thunder auto
Ok got some good rays and temps finally :jump:

Thunder Banana Auto @ 18 dayz.. a bit on the small side :shrug:

Blackberry Gum Auto @24 dayz she seems to be the one the bugz are eating on .. smaller sized.. still doin ok .. top dress it is time for :thumbsup:

And Blackberry Gum photo.. this will grow into a nice lil bush :smoking:
