Sweet Seeds Kya grows Sweet Gelato Auto

Here are some of the healthier sweet gelato x gsc?

Starting with my oldest, a male.


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I have a couple good looking females taking shape. The gelato crosses i made and am now testing were all mishandled early on, these recovered the best. This ones taking off now since it's in a larger container than the others. Sweet Gelato x gsc

Then I have the blue bud and sweet gelato version also in same large container, these were small but are now filling out well.
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Losing color on this blue bud x sweet gelato cross, she should be fine in a week or two, she's getting the bat guano top dress and bonnies plant food for now.

This one shared a pot with two other females I decided to just rip up, but I got them to recover in their own pots of soil and I'm letting my fan abuse them now to try and stiumale more roots. This one's a little spacey but I love how dark she is.
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The only sour Mellon mass x gsc? that survived the direct sow, my last male. Still watching the females develop, waiting for some bud structure, the best ones so far dropped a nanner early so there's nothing amazing jumping out at me yet. The females all look good but im waiting for something beyond to surface.


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The Sweet Gelato crosses are all coming along. They might be vegging a little longer than normal from the way they were transplanted. I will get some more pictures up as time goes on.
These are gsc x dbc [ sweet gelato ] i have been juggling from pot to pot..

First one was given the most medium, the second got alot of bat gauno amended soil and a wide pot, third was fimed, up potted to a tiny bucket, its finishing early. :smoking:


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The males from the sour mellon mass cross were all shooting hairs out the end of the pollen sack on and off. I have one that popped up after I thought I had grown all of the seeds and put all the males down, I have a really special male and I'm tempted to let him pollinate a mystery seed I'm growing from portal if its a female; for myself to dip into later.

I'm growing another set of seeds from the sweet gelato auto {cross I made with my mystery gsc auto male} since I have more of them and they seemed to be doing what I want. They are little seedlings working on their second real set of leafs; I will start logging them here soon.