Know what this is

Jul 17, 2019
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I have posted this in a few spots, but I've got a one day old seedling with white "hair" growing from the stock and dont know what it is. Using a peat moss seed starter with spring water and no nutrients.
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Those are roots starting, ro plain is a no-no.. fast way to a dead plant. Plugs are not necessarily, but since your in one, looks like it's time to pot. There is no nutrition in the plug, and none in the water source. As soon as that seed runs out of food from itself, it'll go downhill fast.
Perfect, sorry it's not ro water, its spring water that has been filtered through bacteria filters. From "the water store"
Nothing to worry about as stated above she is looking for nutrition. What have you chosen for a grow medium?
Those are roots starting, ro plain is a no-no.. fast way to a dead plant. Plugs are not necessarily, but since your in one, looks like it's time to pot. There is no nutrition in the plug, and none in the water source. As soon as that seed runs out of food from itself, it'll go downhill fast.
We dont know if there are nutes in that plug or not.. I'd guess that there IS a food source in that plug since the roots busting out like that. Something is promoting that root growth! Root riots, rapid rooters and a couple other plugs are inoculated and have enough nutes in them for a couple of weeks.. They were indended for use clones.. RO and spring water is fine... Especially if you have bad tap water..

Once you start using the gh products you should be fine. When you plant the plug, just bury that new growth under the soil so that it continues to grow.