Hi atm my tent is reading 28C atm I have a 5" extractor fan and cool hood 600w hps Any ideas of keeping the heat down a bit? I have a fan on Aswel. They're just seedlings atm. Thanks
That's a bit high but not too bad as long as it's not dry as hell... if you wanted to lower it a bit you could get an evaporative humidifier (unless it's already very humid in which case they don't cool much) I just got a large one and my room is about 5 degrees cooler on average.
As far as what to do with the current setup you have, just make sure the ducting to the light and outside is as straight and short as possible, even just one 90 degree angle (of course there will be some angles...) starts cutting down on flow significantly meaning hotter air inside for longer.
Well I wouldn't worry too much as long as it stays under 29.5 C, they won't grow quite as fast as if it was lower but should still be plenty good for a nice harvest. My room runs from 75 to 83 degrees F and I've never had any complaints at that temp range.
Should be.. the 4" intake I have is not very powerful hence the low price.. it just sucks in some of the cooler air from outside the tent.. 4" extract, more powerful than the intake, and carbon scrubber still working fine for air out.. so I would have thought a 5" extraction should cope with it ok.. how do your temps look now with cardboard over your thermometer??Hmmmm I might do that but will there still be a negative pressure with my 5" extractor fan?