Kaosangel's in depth guide to breed fem with STS.

Here is part a pics. I am using a 20 ml medicine cup to accurately measure the distilled water.


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Part B sodium mixture.


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I couldn't get it spot on but close enough. And as well the mixtures are now sitting to dissolve.


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While I'm waiting here are the rest of the instructions.

slowly add the silver nitrate solution to the sodium thiosulfate solution while stirring. This combination is then added to 800 ml of distilled water to equal 1 liter. This is your final stock solution. It is diluted 1:9 with more distilled water to make your final working solution, which then gets sprayed on your target plant.

A second spraying at the end of week 2... seems to be the key for getting pollen from the more difficult strains.

Also this means that this when finished will make a total of 10 liters of usable STS...
And should last a really long time.
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This is what my mix looked like before i add more distilled water.


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My finished product looks like this.

I also added some crappy hand written labels so my wife doesn't think its something she can drink. I'm gonna store it in
My mini fridge out in the lab, but still u should always label chemicals as so no one gets hurt or worse...

I am gonna go spray som plants now.


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Now here is my question too the experts as I am a newbie at STS. If any one can chime in and tell me if I'm wrong but I just did the math. I have 2 oz spray bottles by the thousands.and my math came out like this I guesstimated one oz of liquid to be about 30 ml. And one tenth of 1oz is about 3ml so I should add 6ml to a 2 oz spray bottle or do I add less or more. Just seeing if my Mathis in good health.
Thanks man. Sprayed leelas lower branch to self her for a new project I'm working on. Its gonna be awhile.