Seed Bank - auto flowering strains




I've bought from them a couple of times and I am going to get my next 25 pack from them also. I have only tried their Fem Auto AK47 and it is a decent high, can be a bit couchlocky and the hash from the trim is wickedly strong. It can be smoked from 8 weeks but is killer at 10 weeks. Averaging just under 2 feet tall.

I have not had one hermie but about 1 in 10 seeds didn't germinate which i don't consider to be too bad but 100% that did germinate have been female as the website name would suggest :)

The packaging comes with choices, I choose discrete and it came the next day to be signed for as just a brown envelope with a printed label and a nondescript return address. Those that don't care can pay a quid and have it delivered by standard first class post in the UK.

They have a handful of fem auto strains they say they buy bulk off of a Dutch seed bank, but don't mention which one.

I was skeptical at first but i am a return customer now. They take visa, deliver in 24 hours (UK) with a good germ rate and stable female seeds.

1 Seed Pack Size £4.95 £4.95 per seed!
3 Seed Pack Size £13.95 £4.65 per seed!
5 Seed Pack Size £21.95 £4.35 per seed!
10 Seed Pack Size £38.95 £3.89 per seed!
25 Seed Pack Size £87.95 £3.49 per seed!

Would like to hear from others who have tried they other auto strains they offer.

Review on own breeder seeds

Ordering was ok convenient and easy transfer up to 2-3 days.
Well that was the only good word that they really deserve.
Seeds i received were pale white without nerve endings or even a grey or black spot.
I undestood right from there they were fucked,but decided to give it a try,wtf?
Sprouted under the best circustances.PH,SOIL,LIGHT ETC CHECK!!!

All but All the seeds were mutants with weird phetotype(leaves curlind etc)
Also a slow growth and in general ill looking seedlings.
A big no no to anyone who visits them,they need seerious breeding work these guys....
A will keep them and see what's going,but big big i mean big dissapointment...

Any suggestions??
Sorry weed have come onto site and made 3 post all about 1 certain seedbank and their crosses..
looks like spamming to me.

We don't do spamming Bro..

if you are from a seedbank..get on here and Grow you girls...That is what people on here appreciate.

I have only soft it can be reinstanted if you want to explain your interest.
i ordered one time from them and it was a waste of 100 bucks.i ordered the auto AK that was on the home page.they all gremed and popped up out the soil,but then died as soon as the first set of reg. leafs started.ALL OF THEM!i learned my leason with all the reviews you can find about a seed bank before ordering.
Man i'm smoking some of those ak47's right now, got an ounce off each. Been through 2 batches of 25 packs and had 2 fail to germ and 1 stunt. the rest were between 60 and 100cm high the smaller giving 3/4's and the bigger giving 1.25 oz. I've got 2 left to crop. they are at week 9 if ye wanna see pics lemme know and i'll go take some, was going to leave them till end of 10th week.

I was getting ready to get the seeds in for the next batch but your making me think twice.
EASY GREENFINGERS, im a first time customer of jf ,its also my first time with autos,i got 8 different strains ,i got just jack,ak47,skunk berry,lemon-o-matic,lowryder 2,northen lights,and a dina critical auto and a low widdow that germinated but was a dwarf and didnt grow past an inch,reason i got eight different strains was to find out the one i got on with boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio(2 or 3 max) i germinated on the 26th july and they had all cracked within 24hrs,planted them in a soil mix,so its day 16 from germ now,the nl ,critical,lr2,and the just jack are doing realy well and the others are doing good but they just arnt striveing like the others,im strugling to get some cheap decent nutes,i cant afford the ones of ebay just yet untill the end of month and thats to long,just wondering if theres anything that will sufice for flower,i gave them a verry weak diluted dose of tomoroit with seaweed extract and trace elements whitch i got from my local b+q,any help wiyh my grow will be appreciated,thanxs dude,:)
gaza, buy some tomato feed from poundland
or something if ure in uk

then use 1/4? or 1/2 original formula

---------- Post added 08-10-2011 at 10:04 PM ----------

Man i'm smoking some of those ak47's right now, got an ounce off each. Been through 2 batches of 25 packs and had 2 fail to germ and 1 stunt. the rest were between 60 and 100cm high the smaller giving 3/4's and the bigger giving 1.25 oz. I've got 2 left to crop. they are at week 9 if ye wanna see pics lemme know and i'll go take some, was going to leave them till end of 10th week.

I was getting ready to get the seeds in for the next batch but your making me think twice.

let me see pics, i have their shortider
Just for this topic I Created an album. Here are two of's AK47's at 9 weeks old, grown in the corner of a 4x4 tent under a 600w HPS. In Asda's own compost (lol but don't ask!) with some fish, blood and bone and some perlite. From seed to harvest in same pot/compost. Fed oldtimers grow and bloom nutes. to get my gram per watt under the 600 i only need them to give me around 3/4 ounce which i expect to hit easy from just the colas as i am leaving them for another week.

Coupla pics, for the rest see the album.


cheerz wreckster,i actualy got the biobizz grow,bloom and topmax for £21 deliverd ,good eh dude my ak 47 from jf is a buety,it was the 1st that showd frosting im on day 42 now and are just starting to fill out,,,,how long should i leave them 8,9,10 weeeks?was thinking of doing 2 harvests but with a week in between them <<is that poss or recomended??? anyway thanx 4 response and what would u recomend for time,easyness less problems and so on??? (strain)
thanx all
Email from justfeminized for a discount code.

5% Discount Code: 5FNOV11

^ Now Valid until the 4th December 2011 ^

So ordered another 25 pack of the ak's. Ordered at 11.30pm on thursday night, since i had a discount code i chucked on saturday delivery. Order confirmed instantly by email, then dispatch email to say had left on Friday and delivered this morning at 10am.

Will let you guys know how these seeds pan out.