Just harvested 128 grams and 448 seeds from Hercules

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I fell it reflects at least 20% more light.
brilliant! thank you! :thumbs: :clap: :smokeit: plus rep for that thought... never crossed my mind...

Picture 005.jpg

:drool: nice landscaping btw... hehe... beautiful... no concern of aerial stuff there i assume?
Not until July. I have mulched with dead leaves and then used small dead trees laid across the ladies bending them to the ground. I then weive the new side branches under the tree limbs. This creates a (sea of green) effect.This is right before I bent them over.Picture 143.jpg
Picture 143.jpgPicture 144.jpgPicture 142.jpgAs you can see there are autos and photos in the same bed.I have planted every month since May 1. I have harvested the first group and group 2 will be ready the first of July,group3 on Augest 1. September will start the tirst of the photos. Ye Haa! The autos are Pinappel express, big band , budda, and 7 Dwarfs. Photos are pinapple express, chem dog, a few Kushes and pinapple chunk.