New Grower Just a noob looking for some pointers so help a brother out

Oct 13, 2015
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Alright now, I have 2 2f2v that are bout 5 days's my first grow ever so if anyone could just maybe gimme some pointers or even tell me how 2f2v was for you if you grew it...I also got some westcoast og and lsd 25 on the way so this is more a trail and error thing hopefully some of my fellow agricultural associates can help me stop most the errors before they occur... I just wanna learn and have love lol
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If growing in soil the larger the pot the better. My current grow is going to be finished in 10 gallon pots. Learn to grow organic if not already doing so. I am on day 29 from soaking my seeds and have not had to feed one time on my photo grow. Super simple so far.
I would love to help you, but we need more info. It is all about getting the entire environment working properly, we are trying to recreate summer days inside after all.
The jesus is a charector from the big lebowski. If I said THE JESUS then I would be wrong. I am referring to the he zues

The word Nigger or Nigga has always and will always be offensive. It has no other meing in the oxford or websters dictionary.
See that is the thing with opinions, while you say your name is just fine, I know many people who would disagree.