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Ahhh you are familiar with VNV. I listen to a lot of music in that genre, and also the heavier industrial, black metal, pretty much anything that catches my ear that isn't generic radio type pop.

What you are doing sounds awesome; totally makes sense that you have to keep things quiet but I bet the vids are fun :smoking:
Ahhh you are familiar with VNV. I listen to a lot of music in that genre, and also the heavier industrial, black metal, pretty much anything that catches my ear that isn't generic radio type pop.

What you are doing sounds awesome; totally makes sense that you have to keep things quiet but I bet the vids are fun :smoking:
I listen to a lot of...well. It depends on my mood. One day it'll be ska or classical, the next it'll be brutal death or black or industrial metal.

Right now I'm in the process of writing, and getting the last few things I need. There's been too much rain for me to even get out with cameras lately.
Did you check out the comp from the Vault? I can't remember reading anything about being a member for 3 months to enter it...:eyebrows:...:thumbsup:
aw, poo :rolleyes1: me can't enter cuz me ain't been here 3 mon (sigh) :wall: buuuut, ain't got nowhere to put a damn tent anyway, soooo what the hell, haha... :shrug::rofl:

:goodluck: to whoever winz tho :biggrin:
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