Jraven's New Soil. Time to dig in.

Here's what we have going for garden beds, the front one's 2/3 full, not full tlo yet but have added some ammendments. The other one is just getting started. We'll use part of it for post-bokashi composting for now. That's kale growing in there... it grew all winter, we had plastic over it for a month or two.

Also in the news I popped a seed, a freebie from my Mephisto order. Will see how it does in the solarium starting this early. This is mainly to try out my tlo soil which was mixed up a mont or so ago.
Man we've hardly had any snow this year, its been such a strong El Nino year and it's looking like spring for sure now. That's why I couldn't help myself from popping a seed :biggrin:
Here's what we have going for garden beds, the front one's 2/3 full, not full tlo yet but have added some ammendments. The other one is just getting started. We'll use part of it for post-bokashi composting for now. That's kale growing in there... it grew all winter, we had plastic over it for a month or two.

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Also in the news I popped a seed, a freebie from my Mephisto order. Will see how it does in the solarium starting this early. This is mainly to try out my tlo soil which was mixed up a mont or so ago.
Man I wish I had that garden in my yard. I like the hoop house conversion too. We once grew flowers in old work boots for fun. I love repurposing things.

From the look of it you have a decent forest behind the garden. I'm a bit jealous. We also have woods, but it is a cypress marsh, and has standing water 9mo of the year. Not much on it's floor I can use.
There are !ots of those old skiffs around, since we're off the road system and they're the main mode of transportation here. They last a long time, 20+years, but eventually you find yourself bailing them out a lot.
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My soil ingredients are starting to arrive.
Earthworm castings (bought some extra cause it looks like we don't have enough homemade) I'll be using both
Composted steer manure.
Bat guano 9-3-1
Bat guano 0-7-0
Fishbone meal 3-16-0
Neem seed meal
Garden Lime
Alfalfa meal
EM-1 Bokashi
Still coming is:
Rock phosphate
Kelp meal
Haha now I'll have to figure out the math since I probably don't have the exact ingredients for any one recipe. :shrug:
Wish the UK had more Guano choices, would love to be able to buy that Sunleaves box, reckon you could potentially do a grow from start to finish with it, just add a bit of mycos and rock dust.