Jraven's New Soil. Time to dig in.

One thing I just learned in one of my organics books I did not know is that if you add lime to a fresh nitrogen source to correct the PH before the item has broken down like fresh manure or grass clippings that you loose more nitrogen than if you let it break down and then correct PH as the lime and nitrogen source has a reaction and converts the nitrogen to ammonia gas and evaporates off. I don't think you loose all nitrogen but you end up with less than you would have if you let the compost sit and break down for a while before correcting PH. You might already know this but it was new to me so though I would share it.

Keep in mind that you will probably experience fluctuations in your grow process, Until you dial it in, don't be too stressed if you have a problem or two. Also,, don't be afraid to switch nutrients if you find once source is better for your environment than another.

Yea I'll feel a lot better having some extra eyes on them when i get the grow going... in the past I've left so much to chance. I'm looking forward to the time when I feel as comfortable/confident with this as I do with other stuff:)
Here's my tentative recipe, remember this is lunatic ravings and meant to be criticized:)
Base is 50 gallons recycled soil mainly Promix BX
25 lb worm casting half homebrewed and half store-bought
2 gallons sand
@2 gallons Perlite

2 cup composted steer manure
4 cup fishbone meal 3-16-0
4 cup alfalfa meal 2.5- 0.5- 2.5
4 cup kelp meal 1- 0.1- 0
4 cup neem seed meal
2 cup bat guano 0-7-0
2 cup bat guano 9-3-1
4 cup rock phosphate
1 cup azomite
1 cup diatomaceous earth
1 cup eggshell
1/2 cup epsom salt
2 T Humagic (Hendricus brand)
?pBokash EM-1
?Dolomite lime
My first batch was a little hot ,i let it cook for 1 month.The longer it cooked the better it got.I wish i would have let it cook at least 2 months or longer.My soil is rocking after 6 months.My photos love it.The autos are a little picky.I had to cut the super soil a lot for the autos.The PH meter really helped me keep it dialed in,i use an accurate 8 it does a good job.When you get it right you won,t even need it.Peace.
I have 2 months before I need to plant in it. I'd like to start a little sooner but don't want to push it:)
I wish I'd gotten it mixed up sooner but didn't discover all this great info till now. Oh well i'm in for the long term so it will work out eventually. With a little luck I should be able to grow something this summer:cheers:
Mixing day coming right up!
Yea man, good soil is like an old friend it just gets better with time.Ah mixing day yea thats a shitload of work but well worth it.Oh yea you will be ready summer for sure.We are having an early spring this year.I,m trying to get my shit together for my greenhouse plans before the hot weather hits.Peace.
I was just reading hecno's new post about mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate. In light of this, do my P numbers look high? I'm thinking of the 4 cups Fishbone Meal mainly. What if I lowered that and increase the Rock Phosphate?
Been mixing up my soil


Taking a short break, then gonna stir it up some more.:pass:


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