Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow


from Southeast Alaska
Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Harvest season variety
Hi Friends and Neighbors
I put some seeds in pots so I'll get started on my grow log. Here's my playground.

I'm growing in homemade organic soil in 3gallon pots. All Mephisto genetics.
Seeds started in Root Riot cubes two days ago. They were most showing sprouts this morning so I potted them up.
We have:
6 Sour Blues. Two of these were started earlier as soil testers
5 Deep Blue C f2
4 Sour Crack. I set 7 of these to germ but only 4 had shown legs this AM so will be hoping for them.
I've also got Fantasmo and Auto Blues which I will start later. I have some 7 gallon fabric pots coming for those.
This first group of plants will be crowded together. I'd like to harvest them in time to give the Fantasmo and Auto Blues more room to finish big if they want to:bighug:.
OK we have lift off.I love your room man,very cool .Looks like the soil is kicking.The hardest part is just letting your soil do its own thing.Resist temptation,to fuck with mother nature.I,m glad to see you finally got some green up in here.Are you gonna try some teas later on.The aloe and coconut is good for week one.I also use it in flowering every other watering.If your soil is balanced you don,t need anything but water.I,m pulling up a chair for this one.Peace.
Thanks for coming along guys.Yes teas are in the plan. I have no reason to believe that my soil will be perfect in every way so will be leaning on the teas for support.
Sounds like fun, like the sun room you've got. How long is the daytime at this point? I spent a summer in AK and it was always a trip with the long days and quasi nights.

Some incredible buds around then, that was 1990. :baked:
Go to BUILDaSOIL.COM.Or you can find an old thread that EOF posted on one use of aloe and coconut.You can even make your own DIY clone gel using aloe.Aloe is very good for stimulating root growth.in week one.I found the information on page 5 in the organic section.Coconut water.That will get you to the build a soil section,EOF posted a link there.I found it very helpful in my quest for the hassle free grow.Peace
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Sounds like fun, like the sun room you've got. How long is the daytime at this point? I spent a summer in AK and it was always a trip with the long days and quasi nights.

Some incredible buds around then, that was 1990. :baked:

Thanks for looking in man :cheers: We're getting about 15 hours of light now. At this latitude we still get a couple hrs of dark at the solstice.
I've got high hopes for the sunroom. I'm still subject to a lot of grey and cloudy days but at least the temperature and humidity can be more in line.
Go to BUILDaSOIL.COM.Or you can find an old thread that EOF posted on one use of aloe and coconut.You can even make your own DIY clone gel using aloe.Aloe is very good for stimulating root growth.in week one.I found the information on page 5 in the organic section.Coconut water.That will get you to the build a soil section,EOF posted a link there.I found it very helpful in my quest for the hassle free grow.Peace

I just checked our aloe plant and it looks like i can get what I need there. I don't think we have any coconut water but I'm thinking of rice water, i know @Eyes on Fire has been using that a lot. I'd also like to add some fresh kelp too. I'd like to put a little something on these girls as soon as they seem ready.
niice dude,real nice.damn!! lol ya in a gallon Id use say to 1 gallon of brewed or bubbled water use 1 or so cup(s) to that and make it rich too if you can,then add about 1 cup or so in it and add some molasses(not much a small taste) and some myco type dudes.bubble a little more to activate it for a few hours and that should do nice.Ive personally never used 100% coco water.like a simple vitamin feed,light and easy is usually key ,with foods. ;) Lovely place man,catch some rays while inspecting your wee ones doing their thing lol