Indoor Jean-O's Genetics Autoflower seed Run Finish

Skunk Hero F1 this phenotype was unwilling to reverse for a selfing which was a bummer being it was a monster grower. However I did outcross it to the Strawberry Cough x ChemDawg which will be an interesting cross to test out n play with. The aroma's on this one currently is a musty rotten Grape with hints of gas garlic and Lilac. She was a super grower and is stacked with dense large flowers. I imagine it's a solid producer by the end.
I ran her indoors and just put it outdoors to finish its last week in flower. The aroma's off this plant reminds me so much of the old school Blue Cheese I've been chasing its crazy. This phenotype ended up auto flowering but I honestly didn't mind. I'm glad I ran it anyways in with the photos I had another fv that decided to auto also..@Waira this thing was a joy to grow and smells amazing I can't wait to sample the flower.
Animal Mint Cookies Clone looking and smelling amazing! Super frosty with literally a Mint cookie dough terp profile. She was outcrrossed to the Strawberry Cough x ChemDawg and I'm super excited to test out that new cross. The clone came from a buddy of mine that picked it up from the dispensarie he works at and I can tell why they have kept this cut.
The greenhouse autos and a few potted photo testers
Root Beer Float S3

Second RBF F4

Kush Kush F3

Grim Reaper F1Fv ( WMD auto x Dead Head OG)

Heater Skelter ( FV Green Poison x Durban Thai High Flyer x Guyana)

Grandpa's Exodus F1

Crazy Kush S1

Second Crazy Kush S1

Lecter Auto
I did a few runs of bubble hash yesterday and ended up with 2 plates full of return probably in the area of 6 to 8 oz of bubble I can toke in my hash pipe or press for rosin. I'm trying to empty out all of my jars before this year's harvest. I probably still have 2 or 3 more runs
I did a few runs of bubble hash yesterday and ended up with 2 plates full of return probably in the area of 6 to 8 oz of bubble I can toke in my hash pipe or press for rosin. I'm trying to empty out all of my jars before this year's harvest. I probably still have 2 or 3 more runs
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I would use ice water hash extraction in bags if I had a dehydrator! That's for sure.
I tried a dry ice press yesterday that was increasing in temperature and pressure over 6 minutes. Starting temperature was 135*F with the ending pressure of 175*F
you would think it was an ice water hash with how blonde it was coming out. I didn't stir it or anything like that. Once I pulled it off the parchment paper, which was stupid easy, I put it in my glass jar and took enough off to load into my Swordfish.
I'm warming it right now and a seed of hot water so I can stir it and then put it into the refrigerator for a couple of days to see how well it does.

I loaded everything up yesterday in 37 Micron bags, sized the bag and hand pressed to set the size and then cold press them in the press two further set bag size. I think that pre-pressing helps with the heat transfer.

Here's what I had with just the hand press.

I smoked some of the hash the night I shook it. This was Mangoes N Chem. I thought it tasted more like cantaloupes, but the taste was there and quite strong. The pressing procedure did change the taste a bit. The mango/cantaloupe taste was diminished a little bit and the chem came out a bit more. Even though its structure of the girl was quite indica, I think the effect lean more toward a sativa. Kind of an unusual high. Really hard to pinpoint a stand out quality. I don't know how to explain it, but it was definitely different. Absolutely no damn couch lock whatsoever. I guess I can't say one standout quality was the rush on a big hit. It was definitely quite nice!
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I took the family on a vacation to Myrtle Beach SC for a few days! Awesome good time! People are so nice down south it's so different than People in Michigan... it is the first time my wife n kids got to see and swim in the ocean and seeing their excitement has made the 14 hour drive all worth wile.